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A/n: I'm very inspirational...































Elira shot her head up when she smelt food, Shoto was the one cooking, Minase and Luca were both asleep.

"Whatcha cooking Shou?" Elira asked.

"Just Ramen..I'm hungry.." Shoto yawned.

"Did you want some?" Shoto asked.

"Yes pleasee" Elira hummed.

Shoto nodded as he grabbed another packet and put it in another pot.

"So what do you think we should do?" Elira asked.

"I'm going to head over home, I just need to make sure my family's okay" Shoto said.

"Well then I'm coming!" Elira said.

"Yeah alright" Shoto nodded.

"What about Luca? He can't come he'll worry my mother and she'll question us" Shoto mumbled.

"I'll ask Minase if he can stay with Luca" Elira said.

Shoto nodded again.

"So why whenever we have to dodge stuff they only go for me?" Elira asked mumbling.

"Well, it won't be that hard to take me down due to my stamina" Shoto sighed.

"Well...you have a point but still! And spears!? Why spearsssss!?" Elira whined.

"Minase doesn't have any milk" Shoto sighs.

"Oh? I'll go get some! I could really use a walk right now" Elira said stretching her legs.

"Mm, be careful, it's nighttime and you're in a dress, men might pray on you" Shoto mumbled.

"I'll be careful~ plus I still have the knife Shu basically gave me" Elira shrugged.

"Just, don't use the knife.." Shoto sighed shaking his head.

"Yeah, yeahhh, be back soon!" Elira said putting her boots on.

"K...be safe" Shoto said.

"YUPP" Elira said shutting the door and locking it, she stole the key.

"Okay now where's the closest shop or something" Elira said.

She walked the streets, cars passed by heaps and all the shops she went by were closed, but they were clothing shops or stuff like that.

Tho she did know a man was following her when she passed the clubs so she started speedwalking, she saw a supermarket up ahead so that's where she decided to get a milk.

Tho then the man grabbed her arm stopping her.

"Ahah..sorry not interested" Elira said pulling her arm back.

"Then why are you dressed like that?" The man asked.

"Eh? You saying I can't wear a dressed without getting harassed?" Elira asked.

The man glared at her and she only smiled before pulling the middle finger and walking away.

"Boys..." Elira groaned to herself.

She went into the supermarket at got the milk then headed home, once she arrived home everyone was up.

"Oh, welcome back" Shoto greeted.

"Thank you!" Elira said taking her boots off.

"Where'd you go?" Luca asked.

"Just went and got a milk!" Elira exclaimed.

"Oh..I'll pay you back!" Minase said.

"Not to worries cutie, It's alright~!" Elira chuckled.

"Cutie?" Minase said tilting his head.

"Yup, Shoto agrees with me!" Elira said.

"Wha- when did I say that?" Shoto asked getting flustered.

"What do you mean? You said it to me when they were both asleep" Elira smirked.

Minase also started getting flustered while Luca just sat there listening.

"Don't you go spreading lies now Elira!" Shoto mumbled pulling his hoodie over his head turning around.

"Haha~ sorry I was just playing" Elira laughed.

Tho Minase felt a little disappointed she was but he remembered when Shoto called him cute aswell so he didn't mind again.

































A/n: I'm hungry lmao.

❞ What's Your Guys Deal. ❞ 「 Shxtou Harem 」Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin