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A/n: I have rested and have energy to write chapters for today 😌. I don't think I'm getting a phone today unfortunately but we'll see how lucky I am.

How much chapters I'm aiming for today is around 20-21 well anyways.
























After Shoto had finally convinced Vox that he really needed to go toilet Vox had leaded him too it because yeah, Shoto didn't remember where it was.

After they had gone toilet, Shu texted Vox asking where they were so they headed back to the rooftop.

"Oh there you guys are" Mysta said.

"What'd you guys do hm?" Shu asked.

"He just hugged me." Shoto blurted out.

"Wha- can I have a hug?!" Mysta whined.

Before Shoto could even answer Shu slapped Mysta on the back of the head.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" Mysta asked.

Elira just snuck her way past Uki and stood next to Shoto patting his head, boy was his hair soft.

"Oh come on now, all of yous get to hug him! Uki even got to kiss him!" Mysta argued.

"WAIT WHAT" Vox asked.

Elira just watched with an irritated look as she watched teenagers fight like kids.

"Well I asked for consent and he agreed, it's as simple as that." Uki shrugged.

"I bet you put a spell on him or something" Vox huffed.

"Maybe" Uki teased.

Vox then started to violently shake Uki cursing at him, Minase also just awkwardly watched, he barley understood a thing so he just rested his head on Shotos shoulder.

The purplette honestly didn't mind the affection he was getting from Elira, he seemed to like head pats. Elira of course won't tell anyone other then Minase.

"So how long do they usually argue like this..." Elira asked raising an eyebrow.

Shoto shrugged, he's usually asleep when they argue so, he doesn't mind. He probably would've fell asleep if he wasn't standing.

Elira looked over at Shoto to see him playing with Minase's hair while he looked at it, she raised an eyebrow and snapped a picture, for her eyes only of course.

"Okay the bells about to ring soon so you kids should probably head to class" Elira pointed out.

"Kids?" Vox asked.

"Yeah I agree with her.." Shoto agreed.

Mysta and Vox pouted as Vox let go of Uki.

"What's the time?" Shu asked.

Elira looked on her phone at it said '11:55am'.

"11:55" Elira replied.

"Alright then" Vox nodded.

They all packed up their stuff and went to each of their respectful classrooms. And when class did start it was another boring old lesson Shoto almost fell back asleep if it wasn't for Uki poking him on the back at random times.

Uki wouldn't mind carrying Shoto again but he needs some type of information in his mind, doubt he'll even remember anything tho.

And all thanks to Uki Shoto didn't fall asleep in class which was probably a big help. The bell rang which indicated it was their second lunch break when the cafeteria opens.

"So are we heading to the cafeteria?" Vox asked.

"Yeah I guess so" Uki nodded.

They both looked at Shoto who looked like he was about to fall asleep standing.

"Hey, hey Shoto, don't go falling asleep now" Uki said as he cupped Shotos face to look at him.

All he earned from Shoto was a low groan as he took Uki's hands off his face and walked off.

"Is he going to the Cafeteria?" Vox asked.

Uki shrugged.

"He's probably going to go somewhere to sleep" Uki mumbled.

"He sleeps like half the day tho..." Vox said scratching his head.

"Maybe he just likes sleep." Uki shrugged.

Shoto on the other hand had no clue where he was going or why he walked off, he yawned before just leaning on the wall closest next to him and sliding down and yep, fell asleep.

It hadn't even been 5 minutes and Shoto was already on a full lean about to fall over. Luckily before his head hit the ground Minase caught his head.

Minase lightly chuckled as he gently lifted his head up and sat beside him and laid Shotos head on his right shoulder, he then laid his head on Shotos.

Minase was a bit flustered but he also didn't know if Shoto was comfortable but Minase was quite comfortable with the position. Tho Minase didn't realize how tired he was from studying English last night.

He wanted to understand it more so he could talk to Shoto easily so they wouldn't have any communication problems, he stayed up till 4am or 5am just to learn English.

And well without knowing it Minase fell asleep as well he completely forgot about Shu who was walking with him but he only but was fond of the scene.

Shu took of his jacket and placed it over the 2 making sure they wouldn't freeze and he just pulled out his phone and leaned on the wall next to them.

And just did his own thing letting them rest.


























A/n: I might not get the next chapter done soon since we're going out somewhere butttt I'll write it on the road and then I'll publish it when we get back 👍.

This isn't the whole Minase x Shoto I'm making more dw but this is just a little fluff bit. And then after Minase I shall let Mysta have a turn lmao since he's...

Just in a corner sad.

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