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A/n: let's bring Minase in now yeah?.


























"Now where are we supposed to go?" Luca asked.

"Very good question" Elira said.

"Where are we even going?" Shoto questioned.

"I don't even know...how did none of the neighbors even hear us..." Elira pouted.

"I say we go to the police" Elira sighed.

"I did that and that's how I almost lost my leg.." Luca mumbled.

"HUH-" Elira asked.

"Yeah so, police is out the question.." Luca sighed.

"Yep..I don't want to lose a leg.." Elira whispered.

"Did they hurt you Shoto?" Elira asked.

Shoto shook his head.

"Is your hand alright?" Shoto asked.

"It'll be as good as new!" Elira grinned.

"Hm." Shoto nodded.

"Is that Minase?" Elira asked.

"Where?" Shoto asked.

"There" Elira pointed.

And Elira was right, Minase was looking through a store.

"MINASEEE!!!" Elira called out.

Minase swung his head to their direction before smiling and running over to them waving both of his arms out and jumping onto Shoto knocking them both to the ground.

"Shoto!!! I was worried!!" Minase said.

"O-oh- I'm fine..?" Shoto said tilting his head.

"Ay- we aren't fine that's a lie" Elira pointed out.

"Oh..Luca..?" Minase asked.

"You're Luca?" Minase asked.

"Are yous alright..?" Minase asked standing up helping Shoto up.

"Will Minase believe us?" Elira asked.

Shoto shrugged.

"Okay well, our other friends are crazy! They're trying to kill ussss!" Elira said quickly.

"Whoo?" Minase asked tilting his head.

"SHU AND UH- MYSTA AND VOX AND YOU KNOW!!" Elira said shaking Minase.

"Wait- wait- they're trying to kill- yous?" Minase asked.

They all nodded.

"Is that why- you're hand is wrapped and hes- injured a lot?" Minase asked.

❞ What's Your Guys Deal. ❞ 「 Shxtou Harem 」Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat