Part 3

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As Naruto and Sasuke made their way through the forest, they began to loosen up around each other. They had conversations involving past experiences, such as missions of the past, Kakashi being late to everything, etc.

Naruto looked up, eyes widening at an enchanting sight. A waterfall flowed, its water sparkling as the sun shone down upon it. It reminded the pair of the event in which they had fallen down a great waterfall like that, attempting to separate their hands, but ending up kissing instead. Neither of them had told each other, but the kiss wasn't a work of gravity, instead them nearing each other, taking a chance to kiss once more. If it had been gravity, their lips never would have joined, instead, they would have stayed still during the fall.

Naruto grinned and yelled out for Sasuke to hurry up. "Come on Sasuke! I want to see the back side of a waterfall!" Naruto shouted as he jumped on some rocks, nearing a cave behind the falling water.

Sasuke took a running start, leaping through the air surpassing Naruto's small jumps, and landing on the cave floor. "Hurry up! We don't have all day and it's about lunchtime!" he called out to his crush, chuckling a bit. Naruto grumbled something about Sasuke being a showoff and picked up his pace.

Soon, the two boys were inside the cave, the sound of the rushing water filling their ears. Naruto was a bit disappointed by the sight. "Huh. Well, it's pretty, I guess," the Uzumaki started.

"Yeah..." Sasuke responded. Naruto glanced at Sasuke, who wasn't even looking at the water but instead at the blonde. Sasuke cleared his throat and looked the other way, hoping that Naruto couldn't see his reddening cheeks. "Well, it kind of looks exactly the same as the front side."

Naruto laughed out loud, filling the cave with noise, a beautiful laugh echoing around them. "I know right?" At the back of his head, a thought entered. It's nice to agree with Sasuke. Soon, this thought was disrupted by his stomach grumbling and a panicked, "Okay, I'm hungry too! Let's ditch this place!"


The two boys dug into their bento boxes (courtesy of Sasuke Uchiha). The whiskered, ball of sunshine ate the food at superhuman speed, "mmm's" and "this is delicious'" escaping his mouth.

"This was so good, Sasuke!" Naruto complimented, also trying to start a conversation.

"Mm," was all he responded, still eating his food.

Naruto tried again. "Who taught you to cook?"

"My mother," Sasuke replied curtly.

Naruto felt a bit awkward. He stared at the grass from the log they sat at. Finally, an idea popped into his head. "Hey, wanna play two truths and a lie?"

By now, the raven had finished eating. "That game? It's time to get back on track though."

Naruto quickly replied, "Oh, but we can just play on the way!"

Sasuke cracked a smile. "Fine."

They leaped into the air, landing on a grand branch, and continued doing so until they were going at a good pace. "Okay you go first," Naruto plainly stated.

Sasuke glanced at the blonde. "You were the one that wanted to play this."

"Yeah, so I decide that you go first."

"Usuratonkachi..." Sasuke grumbled under his breath. He thought for a while, smiling a bit when he thought of his lie. "My brother was my dad's favorite, I think you're terrible at everything, especially in the looks department, and I always feared doing terribly in school."

Naruto laughed out loud, pumping his fist in the air. "Easy! You've always been one of the top-scoring students at the school! There's no way that you could fear doing bad at school!" He made the sound effect of an explosion, moving his arms everywhere.

Sasuke smirked. "Wrong."

Naruto stopped laughing. "Huh? Well, I guess my instincts were right, I'll go with the first one. You seem like the kind of kid to be a parent's favorite."

Sasuke now got a bit annoyed. Naruto really thought that he would have Naruto being terrible as a truth? "No, Itachi was always the favorite, being part of the Anbu at age 11."

Heavy realization fell upon Naruto. "Wait, so you're telling me that... that you think that I'm good at things?"

"Naruto!" Sasuke screamed. "Of course I do! Idiot!"

Naruto blushed a deep red. "You said something about the 'looks department'..." he mumbled. "Ya think I'm pretty?"

Sasuke rubbed his temple. "A lot more than just pretty, but sure."

Naruto beamed and tugged Sasuke by the collar, stopping them just before they were going to make another jump. "Huh?" Sasuke questioned.

Naruto took the raven into a tight hug, saying a thank you. Sasuke looked down at his crush and noticed something about his smile. It was... different. More real. The Uchiha felt himself heat up and looked the other way until the other ninja pulled away.

"You're beautiful," Naruto responded.

"Yeah, yeah."

They continued their trip, playing games like that and having conversations until the night fell.

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