Chapter 1 - Maddy

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"I'm leaving!" I scream. The words left my mouth faster than my brain could comprehend what I had just said. Whil yes, the thought had occured to me before, I did not expect to ever speak them.

"No, you won't. You don't mean that." His voice was as loud as usual, but the tone much more demanding.

I don't even acknowledge what he said. I turn away from him and go to my room, stuff a few things into my suitcase and make my way over to the front door.

"Maddy, please." He speaks with the familiar overly soft tone. His trick to get what he wants from you, or me. But not this time. I take a deep breath, trying to push away the need to cry.

Firmly I say "Dad, stop. It won't help. I am leaving, finally." With those words I push down the door handle and leave. While walking away, I can feel his eyes on me, hear his silent prayers. It's hard not to stop or even walk back, but I keep on moving.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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