13. Percy

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I didn't sleep very well and can anyone guess why? If you said demigod nightmares you are correct! I'd gotten used to having my nightmares become more frequent and more vivid since Kronos took over Luke's body but the past two weeks or so had been quiet. I didn't even have a regular dream. Tonight however it decided to get to me. I was in a penthouse room. I knew cause I was on a balcony looking into a conference room. There was a table up the middle and the classic black business men wheely chairs surrounding it. It looked a lot like Wayne enterprises. One time me and Dick raced down the hall on those chairs and almost launched Lucius Fox down the stairs. Bruce wasn't happy when he heard but Lucius was always a good sport.
Anyways in my dream I was looking in on this conference room. Four chairs were taken: Ra's and Talia Al Ghul, Lex Luthor, and at first I didn't see how this was a demigod dream until I heard the guy with his back turned to me speak.
"I've put a lot of money into you three." He said "and all I get are three mortals and an Atlantean?"
Luke/Kronos's voice was awful. It sent chills through my spine and made me shiver. It sounded like it switched between the two of them every other word: going from Kronos's deep gravelly knows he's in charge voice to Luke's easygoing scheming voice.
"We did exactly what you asked" Ra's said surprisingly unbothered. He had to know who Kronos was being a son of Athena and all. Gods I swear only two and a half of her kids turned out alright. Malcolm is the half. Only when he isn't glaring at me or rolling his eyes. I could handle it when Tim and Annabeth did it but Malcolm and the rest of their siblings did it more condescendingly. "If I had it my way I would've killed them."
"They aren't getting killed" Luke answered and this time it was all Luke's voice.
"I think they can be useful" Lex said "Ra's, I heard you got Ms. Chase to complete a mission for you once"
"Complete is being generous." Talia corrected
So they had 'them' and considering Annabeth was mentioned I'm guessing 'them' was beta squad.
"Be patient" Kronos spoke now "Luthor you want your anarchy. You'll have your anarchy. And once Olympus falls you'll get your power"
"And?" Ra's questioned
"You'll get yours" Kronos answered then he turned and looked at me directly in the eye "All we have to do is wait."
I took a step backwards and stumbled. I was falling and fast. I wanted to do something I wanted to reach for a grapple or for a ledge to catch hold of but I was falling and couldn't make my body work. I looked down to see the concrete rushing towards me and-
I bolted up and was welcomed by the dim light of the Courtney's basement. I looked around to find everyone else was still asleep. Cass was the only one up and she was looking at me worried. At least I think it was worry she was still in her suit with her cowl pulled up so it was kind of hard to tell.
"Yeah" I answered slipping out of my sleeping bag "Annabeth is in trouble"
"Trap" she answered, obviously not in a talkative mood
"Has anyone made contact? From Gotham or Happy Harbor or national city?" I asked
"No" she frowned "I've tried"
I frowned and pulled out riptide in pen form. I twirled him a couple times. "We need to contact someone"
Cass looked at me as if I was an idiot for saying that. Of course we needed to contact someone! No comms would work though, no phones, probably no Faxes if anyone knew how to use one.
Hades I had guessed that Nebraska cell service would suck but who knew it could suck this bad. It was probably Luthor. Somehow he got a hold of a satellite and was blocking out communication. Not to mention the Assasins definitely set us up so Dick and Jason were probably in trouble up north. Oh and now Lex and the assassins are both working together AND with the king of the titans. Titans...
"Gods I'm stupid" I jumped up and whisper yelled to Cass "can you help me with something?"
She shrugged "what?"
"I need to use the bathroom."
Cass pulled her hands back and shook her head "no."
"No not like- I need to make a rainbow" I corrected. If all mortal communications were blocked why not use a godly form? Probably the logic Ra's used when he teamed up with Kronos. 'If you can't run the world using mortals, why not use gods?' Hades I hate that man. I hate all of them. That room in my dream might hold spots one through five on the top five people I hate list: Luke, Kronos, Luthor, Talia, Ra's.
"Cmon" I said grabbing my sisters arm "I might be able to contact Annabeth"
That got her to jump up. She sprung to her feet and practically led me to the bathroom. Considering how excited she was I hope this worked, also so we could figure out what was going on but you know that wasn't quite as important as not letting down Cassandra.
"Do you have a flashlight?" I asked flipping the light on in the bathroom and turning the sink on.
She nodded flipped her cowl off and rustled through her belt before producing one.
The bathroom fit the style of the rest of the house:not out of date but not modern sort of in between. The counter was white stone and the sink was small and silver. Everything was pretty much your standard middle class home bathroom.
"Alright now I need..." I shuffled through my belt searching for a drachma. If didn't have one I was going to flip. This was our only shot at contact and how was I supposed to find Ancient Greek money in the middle of Nebraska? I cursed and shoved my hands in my jean pockets "one sec I think I..." I felt a small, dollar coin sized metal. "Yes here it is."
I pulled the drachma out from the bottom of my pocket.
"Okay Cass you're going to point the flashlight at my sword." I explained uncapping riptide and balancing the blade so it sat against the wall. "Or whatever you see right here" I pointed to the blade remembering that Cass might not be able to see through the mist. She didn't ask any questions and shined the flashlight at the blade. Now all I needed to do was make mist. I focused on the water: the sound, the smell, the speed. I felt a tug and the water moved to where I wanted. Splashing right below the blade and sending a small mist into the flashlight. I focused it there and looked to the opposite wall where I hoped a rainbow would be reflecting. Sure enough a small rainbow was directly across from riptide.
"Yes!" I whooped "don't move it Cass"
I threw the drachma into the air and let it go through the rainbow.
"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering." I said the drachma stopped and shimmered in midair before disappearing "Annabeth Chase"
I watched bouncing on my heels as the rainbow shimmered a bit and a small image of my friend appeared. She was sitting on the floor of a small room. Smaller than the bathroom we were in right now. I couldn't tell if she was awake or sleeping. Hee hair was messy but she didn't look like she was hurt.
"Annabeth" I said she didn't move so I guessed she was asleep "Annabeth!" I said louder
Still nothing. I looked to Cass who shrugged.
"Hey! Wise Girl!" I almost shouted and I hoped I didn't wake up anyone in the other room.
Third times a charm. She bolted to her feet and almost disconnected us in doing so by nearly waving her head right through me.
"Percy?" She said excitedly looking at my shimmering image "Oh gods you're okay"
"Yeah safe and sound. Just stuck in Nebraska" I said "where are you?"
She made a face when I mentioned Nebraska "I'm not sure, National city I think. Luthor set us up, he's working with the assassins and they drugged us. I'm not sure where we are now. I sent a message to Barbara but I'm not sure if she got it."
"Neither are we" I answered "All our comms have been down since last night. Is there anything you can tell us about where you're at? We'll come help get you out."
"I honestly have no clue" she said "Since I've been here the only thing I've learned is that Shiva is working with the assassins again."
Cass made a face at the mention of her mother. Sure me and Annabeth had a hard time with our parents never talking to us and her step mom and stuff but at least our parents didn't raise us to be a weapon of mass distraction and abuse us our whole lives. Then again...in a way they had trained us to be weapons, it was just a lot nicer than David Cain and Lady Shiva.
"That's not good" I frowned "but it's not just shiva. Annabeth I had a dream and Kronos was in it."
"So the usual"
"No Kronos was working with Lex and Ra's" I said
"Luke is here?" She asked
"Or somewhere nearby" I corrected ignoring the hope in her voice when she said his name. "So you guys are in big trouble. Is there anyway you can figure out more? Where you're at or?"
"I don't know" she frowned "I've been stuck in this box for the whole day. And I have no way of contacting you."
"Get Megan to" Cass said "contact Megan to contact us"
"I've tried to reach her I haven't gotten anything" Annabeth said "Cass you shouldn't come out here"
Cass rolled her eyes "don't care"
Something was up with those two, it always was.
"It's worth a shot." I said "we'll make our way to national city that way she can reach us easier."
"Percy it's a trap" Annabeth said "they'll expect you to-"
"They won't know we're coming. They can't know we've contacted you" I said "so maybe they won't know when we show up"
Annabeth looked skeptical.
"Look time is running out. I'll find more drachmas and call you soon." I said "Try to contact Megan"
"Okay be safe. Percy don't let Cass come she-"
My friends voice faded along with her image and a voice answering machine said. "Please insert one drachma for five more minutes."
I waved my hand through it and turned back to Cass.
"I'm coming" she said
"I know, but why did Annabeth say not to?" I asked "you can turn that off now"
Cass flipped the flashlight off. "Shiva"
"Want to elaborate?" I asked
"No" she said putting her cowl back on "let's go"
"Cass c'mon if I know I can help" I said
"No" she repeated "let's go."
"Okay fine. Let's wake the others and find a way to Cali" I relented and followed her example flipping my hood up. I would just ask her about it later, she'd have to tell me eventually.

Once the group was awake we sat in the basement trying to figure out a game plan. I told them Annabeth had gotten a hold of us and said they needed help in National City. I also explained Luthor was behind it and the shadows were working with him.
"Great" Artemis said dryly "Luthor and the shadows. Some of my favorite people"
"So they got caught in a trap?" Gar asked
"Um yeah" I answered "and before one of you says it: yes I know it's a trap."
"So we're going to walk right into it?" Conner asked
I looked to Artemis "you're in charge."
"They don't know you made contact" Artemis considered "so they won't know when or even if we'll come if we stay discreet."
"So that's a yes?"
"Yes but we need to be careful." She answered "Robin, batgirl you two I'm not super worried about." She glanced to Conner and Gar who were significantly less good at the whole stealth thing.
"I'll just turn into a fly or something" Gar said
"Don't worry about me" Conner frowned "I know how to sneak"
"Okay" Artemis said "then let's go."
"Only one problem" Conner said "how? We still don't have a car remember"
"We'll rent one" Artemis said
"Okay but I didn't bring my wallet" Conner offered "not very mission like to bring ID"
Artemis looked to Cassandra and I. She did know our identities or I'm assuming she was smart enough to figure that out considering she knew Dicks so she must've known batman was actually a billionaire, of course he'd make sure we had extra cash. I sighed.
"The belt does have everything"
I shuffled through it before pulling out a small waterproof pouch full of cash from a couple different countries and handing it to Artemis. "Take your pick"
"Alright, batgirl change unto civilian clothes, Conner write a note to Courtney explaining why we left, and Gar find the closest car rental."
"Okay so I get the easy job" I said flopping down on the couch and throwing my feet up. Inside though I was antsy jumping at a chance to do anything but especially help Annabeth and make progress in the missing hero case. Now all I had to do was find a secret possibly underground base ran by the most dangerous people I knew and breakout my friends without getting caught myself. Oh and it's in the middle of a city the size of New York. Yeah easy enough. Gods this was going to get messy.
New chapter woooo. I promised I would update soon and I did! I'll have another one out asap. Let me know what you thing and contact me with any suggestions.

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