Hungover- chapter three

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I slowly open my eyes and look around. I am in my bed, in my room... I look towards the ground and see krissie lying there hugging a bottle of vodka. 

I sit up and take the bottle of Malibu off my pillow and place it on the desk at the side of my bed. My head is pounding and my stomach is twisted tight! I slowly climb out of bed and walk downstairs to grab a glass of water and some paracetamol, I take them, drink the water and then ascend back up the stairs with water and paracetamol for krissie who is no doubt feeling worse than me!!. 

She was awake when I re-entered my room, lying on the floor groaning and feeling sorry for herself. 

"Here get these down you" I say handing her the paracetamol and water which she takes gratefully 

"So what are you doing about today?" She asked between gulps of water in a sleep thickened voice.

"I'm just going to wait for his call... But right know I'm making pancakes ... Do you want some?" She nodded and I turned and walked towards the kitchen, my phone call with andy replaying in my head... Damn I'm so awkward!!

Andys POV 

I woke up in my bunk to the sound of CC throwing up in the bathroom, 'that will teach him to mix his shots' I think to myself before I stand up out of bed... Bad move, My head is spinning and so is the room! 

"Andy?!" I hear sammi shout from the living area 

"Yeah" I say as I slowly walk in, my voice thick with sleep and the night before. 

"Damn you look rough man" jinxx says smirking as I collapse on to one of the cream sofas. Jinxx and sammi are all curled up on the sofa, kissing and cuddling as newly weds should be.

"What did you want sammi?" I ask, resting my head on a pillow 

"I was wandering if you were planning on calling that girl? Since it's now 12:00pm?" 

I looked and the clock on my phone and she was right!

"What girl?" CC asks, walking out of the toilette completely naked, this is not a very pleasant sight when I already felt like shit!! 

"Oh dude cover yourself" I shout throwing a pillow at him 

"I don't mind it" Lauren giggles walking in and kissing CC 

"Get a bunk" I mutter to them 

"Ok, if you say so" Lauren says as she pulls him back towards the bunks. 

"Not again!!" 

"Damn CC really?!" 

Jake and Ashley shout, there bunks are directly opposite and above CC's and Lauren is leaving today so neither jake or Ashley have been getting much sleep!. 

Jake and Ella are the next to emerge from the bunks. 

"I'm getting my own back on him when you leave baby" he says to Ella before going to sit down next to jinxx, leaving Ella to sit and chat with sammi.

"Ash!! Get out here man!" I shout towards the bunk area, but a young-ish girl walks out first, followed my Ashley, he walked her to the door of the bus, and whispers something in her ear that makes her blush. Then she leaves. 

"Who was that?" I ask him, raising one eyebrow.

"Her name Is Lucy.. Or is it Lauren.." He pauses to think "come to think of it, her name might have been Clare?" 

"Your unbelievable" Ella says, sharing her head 

"You know it" Ashley replies winking at Ella who makes a gagging noise whilst jake glares in Ashley's direction.

He walks over to me and I fist pound him in respect for his night, jake turns the tv on and Ashley sits next to me. 

My phone begins to vibrate and I see a number that I hadn't saved in to my phone., so I don't answer it! ... Then I realise "shit" I breathe. Ashley looks over to me and raises his eyebrows; I shake my head and walk to the back of our bus. I hit dial 

"Hello?" Her silky British voice answered 

"Hey Ricky, it's Andy" I said clearing my throat 

"Oh hey... You alright?" She asked 

"Yeah I'm fine thanks, where would you like to meet today?" She paused for a moment 

"Why don't you come round to mine? Then we can decide?" 

"Yeah sure" I replied, she gave me her address and we said goodbye.

I walked back in to the lounge where everyone was sitting. 

"Andy man, were watching batman! C'mon!!" Jake said 

"Sorry man, I'm going out" I said smirking as everyone stared at me in amazement, I never rejected batman! "She must be pretty fucking hot" Ashley muttered. I rolled my eyes and smacked him over the head as I walked past.. Time to get ready.

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