𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑦 𝐵𝑢𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠

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Right at seven, the doorbell rang, so Honor went downstairs to greet the new arrival. Y/n sat on the floor, reading through the Chemistry book, even though she knew what was happening in this chapter, she still wanted to appear busy. When Honor returned, Michael was behind her, seeming almost nervous, which was understandable.

"Hey Dipnicky," Y/n said, not taking her eyes off the book before her.

"Hi," he gave a soft smile, taking a seat at Honor's desk while she laid on her stomach atop her bed, alternating her gaze between her notebook, the Chem book, and her laptop. She nibbled on the end of her pen in thought. Michael played with the pencil in his hands while watching her.

"So covalent bonds are transferred electrons."

"No, actually, um, they're shared."


"Ionic are transferred."

"Right, right." Honor sat up, takingthe jacket off, just like Y/n told her. "Yeah, for some reason, I just... I can't keep that straight." Michael's eyes went slightly wider than before as he watched this scene unfold. Y/n wrote down observations as she watched them. These notes would help her give Honor more advice later. The blonde laid down on her side, moving her hair off her neck and Michael gave a very soft exhale.

"Oh, this pen is out," Honor frowned. She walked towards her desk, causing Michael to look up at her. She picked through her pens, and tried one on a paper. "Ugh, this one's no good." She put the pen back, grabbing a pencil and began sharpening it. It was awkward for the two while she sharpened her pencil. Michael avoided eye contact while Honor kept her gaze on him.

"You know, you might break the tip off," Michael informed her.

"Oh, just one more," Honor told him, placing the pencil back in the sharpener. He let out a gentle laugh, and Y/n found herself smiling. She stared at the floor, confused. Why was she smiling? Perhaps his laugh was contagious. Honor held the pencil up to show him the sharpened point, and then blew on the utensil to remove any shavings left behind. She returned to her bed and Michael simply blinked.

"So how'd you do on that quiz yesterday?"

Michael gave one nod before replying. "I did okay."

"Just okay?" Y/n muttered softly.

"Hmm?" Michael asked.

"Nothing." Michael nodded again, looking to Honor.


"Do you really need help with Chemistry?"

"What do you mean?" Honor asked.

"I just feel like you're pretending not to know stuff that you already know."

Honor sat up. "I'm not. I really do need help."

Michael tilted his head. "I saw an A on your quiz paper today."

"Look, I'm sorry I wasn't open with you. I just... I think you're really smart , and sometimes, I feel kind of stupid around you. Most people do."

"I don't think people feel stupid around me," he began. "I think people are just stupid on their own." Y/n chuckled at his statement, smiling widely. Honor laughed as well, and the way she was acting, Y/n had a bad feeling.

"You know you're smart," he told her, then noticed the book on her desk. "This is a great book."

"Really? You've read it?"

"Yeah," Michael said. "You know, I guess a part of it just feels kind of relatable. Feeling trapped by your own society. Kid of wishing for that better life. If I could just get through this year."

Y/n's phone began to ring, the Tardis sound, so she gestured to the doorway, to which Honor nodded. As she left, she passed Honor's mom with a tray that had snacks on it. "Hello, Mrs. Rose."

"Hello Y/n. Is everything alright?"

"Yes, just have to take this call."

"Alright then, dear. I hope everything is okay."

"I hope so too." Mrs. Rose went into Honor's room and Y/n answered the phone.


"Geez Envy, chill. Lower your voice. What's up?"

"So, I was talking to some people, you know the Castillo sisters? Giselle and Angie?"

"Yes, who doesn't?"

"They said they would pay you for your services! They want your help!"

Y/n's draw dropped. "No way. Really?"

"Yeah!" Envy exclaimed. "They want your help!"

"Awesome! Okay, sorry, but I have to go, tell them that I'm open to helping them. Bye Envy."

"Bye bestie!" Y/n hung up the phone and headed back into the room, once again passing Mrs. Rose as she left.

"Hey, Y/n. Everything alright?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes. My friend was just telling me that someone needed my expertise, but apparently she couldn't wait to tell me," Y/n answered.

"Nice ringtone," Michael complimented.

"Oh, thanks," Y/n smiled softly, resuming her position on the floor.

"Oh, my mom brought us pecan zucchini bread and hot chocolate if you want some."

"I'm good, thanks though."

"Hey, Y/n? Can I ask you something?" Michael questioned.

"Yeah, of course."

"Have you ever been in love?"

"Uh..." She looked to Honor, confused, to which the blonde shrugged. "Why do you ask?"

"Sorry if I touched a nerve, I was just... you help so many people find love, and it works, whatever you do works, and I was just wondering if you've ever found it yourself. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'm just curious."

"Well... I have not been in love. I do what I do to help other people find what they want. Whether people admit it or not, they want love. So it's my job to help them find it," Y/n explained.

Michael seemed interested in her explanation, and found himself intrigued. "Do you ever want to?"

Y/n looked at him, not realizing that there were tears at the brim of her eyes as she pondered his question. She wanted nothing more than to fall in love and have someone to appreciate her unconditionally through thick and thin. She tilted her head down, her vision becoming blurry as crystalline tears slipped down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them, taking a deep breath to compose herself, and hopefully she didn't make herself too transparent.

"Um, I don't know, honestly. I find joy in helping others find it, and that's what I focus on because I love to see people find it," Y/n nodded, biting the inside of her cheek. "I'll be back." She stood up and headed to the bathroom, locking the door and placing her head against the wood, inhaling shakily.

She gripped the edge of the sink, looking at herself in the mirror, and for once, she didn't see herself, but a shadow of someone she didn't recognize. She didn't see Y/n, she saw the Wingwoman, the Matchmaker, a ruse to hide who she truly was. She'd spent so much time focusing on others around her that she lost herself, but could she truly go back now? Now that she had come this far? Reason said she couldn't, but her heart pleaded for her to reconsider her path.

She couldn't change now. She'd done so much and helped so many people, she couldn't let them down. Y/n sided with reason and made the decision to put 110% in everything she did from now on. She would put aside her own wants to put others first and make sure that they were happy. It was a hard decision, but in the long run, it would be worth it.

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