𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑀𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝐵𝑒 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑦 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒

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Everyone needs a little help once in a while. Help with math, science, English, but the hardest subject to get help with is love. Each person, whether they are open about it or not, is looking for love. But there are a select few who were designated to help these souls find the intimacy they crave. Y/n is one of them.

A wingwoman is someone who assists, guides, and supports an individual trying to seduce another. Y/n developed a skill to read people, see the things they liked and notice things a normal person wouldn't. It came in handy when people came to her asking for advice and help, and she was always willing to aid the lost and lonely any way she could.

And all along the way, she found that she was just as lost and lonely as the people she helped. Not that she'd admit it to anyone. Y/n was a closed book, even to her family. No one was able to get into her head because she knew from the past. Her trust issues kept her from having what she so deeply longed for and instead used her own desires to relieve others of their internalized pain.

Today was just like any other day, she showed up to school, listening to music (which usually gave her inspiration) and passed by couples and singles alike, most of which waved at her as she passed. She wasn't necessarily popular, but she wasn't unknown. As she walked towards the doors, her friend, Envy, ran up and hugged her.

"Geez Envy! Don't scare me like that!" Y/n laughed lightly, roping her arm around her friend's shoulders as they walked into the building.

"Sorry, sorry! I'm just excited! Your advice worked!"

"Oh, did it?" Y/n smiled.

"Yes!" she squealed. "Ryan asked me out!"

The h/c haired girl chuckled at the enthusiasm of the redhead beside her. "I'm so glad it worked. See? I know what I'm talking about."

"I'll never doubt you again, Y/n/n!" Envy complimented. "You are a miracle worker."

"I try."

Envy hugged her friend again. "I have to get to English, or I'll be late. Bye Y/n!"

"Bye Envy!" Y/n waved as her friend ran off. Envy was like the energetic child, the Pinkie Pie if you will. Envy is always in a happy mood, even on a bad day. She's basically the embodiment of sunshine. Brought happiness to everyone she talked to.

Y/n laughed softly, heading into the math classroom and taking her seat, next to none other than Benjamin Duncan, the hotshot, the one everyone wanted to get with, and he kept trying to get with Y/n, and she wanted none of it. He kept buying her things and asking her out, but she always declined. The bell rangand everyone went quiet as the class started.

After several hours, the lunch period had arrived. Y/n ate her lunch outside at one of the picnic tables with music playing quietly from her phone. A few students, mostly girls, came over to ask for her help, and she happily obliged.

"Listen Becky, you want to talk to him right?"

"Yes, of course."

"Well, boys like Quentin like bold people. They like when you are confident in yourself. So here's what you do. Tomorrow, I want you to wear something green, preferably a shirt."

"Because green is his favorite color," added Becky.

"Exactly. And when you talk to him, I want you to maintain eye contact. Kinda play with your hair, twirl it around your fingers. And one time, only one time, later in the conversation, I want you to glance down at his lips, then back up to his eyes, and bite your lip."

"Like this?" she asked, biting her lip, but all of her front teeth happened to go over her bottom lip.

"More like..." Y/n bit her own, demonstrating exactly how Becky should do it.

𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑊𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ