𝑊𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒

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The following day, the Chemistry class began to do the experiment assigned the day before. Each student was required to wear the safety glasses for protection, as it is at other schools as well. There were the occasional few who took the glasses off when the teacher wasn't looking, but struggled to put them back on once they noticed the glaring eyes of the higher up.

"Now, at this stage of the experiment, it's really important to pay attention to the heat," the teacher instructed. "Keep your eye on it. Y/n was close enough to Michael and Honor, that she was able to over hear their conversation and help if she needed to.

"Like a Weeping Angel," Honor said. Michael paused, looking up at the blonde beside him as if she was insane.


"Oh, nothing. Weeping Angels are these aliens in 'Doctor Who'. If you look away from them, they'll kill you."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Michael stuttered. "I just can't believe that you watch 'Doctor Who'."

"I'm sorry," Honor laughed. "Don't make fun of me."

"No, no, no, I'm a fan! I don't make fun of people."

After a moment of silence, Honor spoke again. "Who's your favorite Doctor? Mine's..."

"Matt Smith," they said in unison, giving the other a smile while they chuckled at the small interaction. Y/n found herself once again, secretly longing for something like that. Even just a friendship like that. She loved being friends with Envy, but she had a lot of other friends, so most of the time, Y/n was alone. As much as she wanted to join the conversation, she held back, not wanting to interrupt. For a little while, the two just stared at each other, and only then did they realize the experiment had pooled over the edge of the beaker.


"Michael, I'm sorry!" Honor apologized.

"I'm so sorry."

"That's my fault."

"No, no, no, no, that was mine. That was mine." Michael started cleaning up while Honor reached down to get something from her bag. The entire class was watching the two and the new mess on the table. Michael looked to the ceiling, probably in frustration before looking around the room and finding Y/n's eyes. He gave her a smile, which Y/n returned, slightly confused. Michael never really looked her direction ever, and when he did, he had some sort of blank expression. But this moment was different. For a split second, it felt as if he was seeing her.

*Time Skip*

Yet another day with more agonizing hours of mostly useless information shoved into their brains. While Y/n walked up to the doors, Mr. Calvin was trying to pass out flyers for his next show. And surprise, surprise, he called her over.

"Y/n, Y/n, are you coming to my next show? It's gonna be great. Eh?" He held out a flyer to her, slightly shaking it with his hands, urging her to take it.

Y/n looked from the paper to the man before her. "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"Four words for you, okay? Four, only four regarding your show."

"'I want to go'?" he guessed.

"I would rather die." Y/n walked off, leaving the man standing on the sidewalk, looking more dejected than ever. Y/n walked to her locker, not looking at anyone. She was lost in thought, as usual, but more so today.

"Y/n, what now?" Honor asked, joining her at her locker.

"Next, you're going to ask him to study at your house. Say you're struggling with Chemistry or something and you need help."

"Alright, I can do that, but..."


"Could you come over and be there with me? And come over a bit before to give me tips and whatnot? You can stay over, too."

"Yeah, of course I can come over. I'll message my parents and tell them I'm helping you with a project and you asked me to stay over," Y/n replied, pulling out her phone and loading up her text messages.

"Hey Honor, hey Y/n," Michael said as he passed. Y/n looked up to see him giving them a slight wave.

"Strange," Y/n muttered, sending the text to her parents. "Alright, Honor. Let's get to class."

*Time Skip*

After they received the quizzes back in Chem, Honor realized that her plan to distract him wasn't going so well, seeing as how Michael got an A. Again. So she decided to toy with him a bit. Going with Y/n's advice, she was going to ask him to study. She pulled a tube of lipstick and a compact mirror out of her pencil bag, slightly facing her body towards his.

"Hey, Michael, I was wondering what are you doing tonight?" She began applying the lipstick, a tactic that drew the attention to the lips, or in some terms, a mind game.

"Studying." The tactic was working, because he was staring at her.

"I know it's a big pain, but would you be willing to study with me and Y/n? I've been having some trouble with the laws governing chemical bonds."

Michael, clearly a tad nervous by the conversation, uttered out his reply. "Yeah, sure. That sounds... sure." Honor smiled and closed the mirror. Every single person in that class besides Y/n was staring at the two. There was a slight awkwardness that filled the air after that, and no one dared to speak.

*Time Skip*

At around six thirty, Y/n arrived at Honor's house with an overnight back, she usually had one always prepared in case something came up. Honor answered the door and led her inside and into her room. Y/n placed her back by Honor's vanity and stood before the blonde, who was now sitting on her bed.

"First things first. You need a new outfit."

"What's wrong with this one?"

"Nothing's wrong with it, you just need something more distracting, you know? It helps sell the bit. So. We need something more... just more... my vote is this shirt, these shorts, some knee highs, along with this jacket. Now the jacket is the important part. When you're wearing the jacket, he can only see your legs, but sometime during the study session, you take the jacket off, it gives the full effect."

"Got it." Honor took the new clothes into the bathroom to change while Y/n waited patiently for her return, which didn't take long.

"Looks perfect. Okay, now. When you lay on the bed, preferably on your side, go on, lay on your side." Honor copied her instruction, and was laying on her side while on the bed. "While you are sitting like this, keep your hair off your neck, so like..." She moved Honor's hair so it was no longer hiding her neck, but exposing it instead.

"Why should I do this?"

"Because when you expose skin, it makes boys go slightly crazy. If you expose your neck, it makes them want to kiss it, it's a weird guy thing. Just trust me on this, okay?"

"Okay. Gotcha."

"I'm going to go get my pajamas on, because I'm tired, then we can wait for him to study. When should he be here?"

"Around seven."

"So in about twenty minutes. Alright, good to know. I'll be back."

"Got it. And Y/n?"


"Thank you."

"Of course."


A/N: Chapter 2!! I already love how this is going. Don't have much to say here, except that I hope you are enjoying this story! Love ya!

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