Chapter 18: Hidden clues

Start from the beginning

Tommy grimaced. "Who on holy dadza would do that? To a woman nonetheless!" Tommy asked as he kneeled down to take a closer look at the wound.

Niki took her mask off laughing a bit. "The heroes aren't as good as they say. They say they aim to incapacitate, but in reality do way more than that", she said.

"Well that's just bullshit!" Tommy said as he took his fingerless gloves off.

"What are you doing?" Niki asked.

"I'll try to heal it", Tommy replied putting his hands on the wound. "Might hurt a bit", he added before he started his powers.

"A bit, you say?" Niki asked through gritted teeth. "That's not a bit."

"It's what they say in the hospitals as well", Tommy said, focusing his powers on healing the big slash on Niki's side.
"That's as good as I can get it at the moment", the blond said as he pulled away, feeling realy ill. "Now if you don't mind, I'll just lay down for a bit", he added as he laid down on the ground.

"Are you okay, Avian?" Niki asked.

"Yeah, it's the aftereffect of my healing powers", Tommy said closing his eyes. "I'll be fine."

"Alright. But just in case, I'll stay with you until you can get up", Niki said as she adjusted her position.

"Fine by me. At least I'll have some company", Tommy said.

"What were you doing, by the way? This place has more hero patrol", Niki asked.

"I'm after clues. I wanna find my brother. Apparently he was taken to be a hero by the system", Tommy explained. "All I know are his civilian name, hair colour, eye colour, a roundabout age and his powers."

"But it's something to go off of. You could look through L'Manberg's database for people with the same name and then rule out the people it couldn't be by the other factors you have", Niki said.

"That's... Actually a genius idea...", Tommy realised.

"I may be of some help. In return for healing me", Niki said. "I actually work in the more closer circles of the government people. I know, how convenient for a villain", she said laughing after her last sentence. "I could get you into the place by saying you're a potential intern, since I'm more part of the people who they let do stuff on their own. And then I could let you look into the database and we could see if he's there."

"Yeah! But what about the lie? You can't just say I'm a potential intern, and then ditch the whole thing", Tommy said.

"Maybe you could then actually intern there. Get some momey while you're at it", Niki said laughing a bit.

"I mean, I do have a job, but I could do the mornings and the weekends as an intern. Money is money, I guess", Tommy said.
"And if your brother really is a hero, he might be there!" Niki added. "Since the work is done in HeroesHQ", she said.

"True true", Tommy said. He sat up. "We ready to go?" he asked.

"Like, right now? It's 6am" Niki asked confused.

"Like, right now", Tommy repeated her words.

"Avian, your forgetting that I'm not in civilian. We can't just go there as Oleander and Avian", Niki said.

"Then get into civilian and let's go", Tommy said. "I can trust you with my identity, right? I know yours and you know mine. If one spills, the other spills, okay?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah. If you spill my identity, I spill yours and vice versa", Niki agreed.

"Great!" Tommy said, taking his vigilante gear off. "Now, where to?"

A vigilante who heals villains, I guess?Where stories live. Discover now