"Hilarious, seriously."

"I know, I always have been," he winked at me.

"I'm just looking out for you," Leigh said in an outraged tone. "You can't blame me for that."

"I wouldn't but I don't need a babysitter at work."

"But you are so small and skinny," Leigh furrowed her brows. "All you need is to trip on something and you would never get up."

"You're horrible," I laughed and reached out to pull her hair but she shrieked and híd behind Perkyn's shoulders.

"I don't think it was a good idea to walk us home, Perkyn," said Emilia in a flat tone. "You're never going to get rid of us from now on. Just be aware of that."

Perkyn laughed and scanned our faces with his eyes.

"I don't mind that at all."

I dropped my gaze and tried to hide my smile as we reached our house where the lights were – fortunately – off.

Good thing the boys weren't awake because they would just drag Perkyn into the house to make sure themselves that he was a good guy and I didn't need that.

Not after today.

"Thank you, Perkyn," Emilia said and took our bags from him.

"I should be the one thanking you for bearing the guys, they can be a real pain in the ass," he laughed.

"They were all right," I reassured him. "We had a great time."

"We definitely had," popped up in Emilia's head out of nowhere.

We laughed at her satisfied expression as we started to get ready to go inside.

"It was a real pleasure to meet you, Perkyn," Emilia rubbed his arm and Perkyn smiled at her.

"You, too," he said. "We should play another match sometime if you are free for the day."

Leigh clicked her tongue and grabbed her bag.

"We definitely will," she nodded then looked at me. "Heddy will be our contact person between us."

I scoffed and lowered my eyebrows.

"I thought I've had better intentions than being an owl to you, guys," I scolded and Emilia gave me a half hug.

"Of course you are," she said pressing her cheek against mine. "You're a beautiful owl."

I couldn't help but join the others' laughter while I was letting go of all of my worries. Today was a great day. It was even more than great.

I didn't remember when was the last time when we had this much fun outside.

The door opened and we turned toward the noise that Seeley caused as he walked down the stairs, hugging his torso in the cold while wearing a black shirt and shorts.

"Could you either bring this party inside or lower it? Some people are trying to sleep," he narrowed his eyes, his voice husky. He must have just woken up to our loudness.

"And that would be our cue to go inside and sleep," Leigh grimaced as she turned away. "See you then, Perkyn."

Perkyn waved as Leigh and Emilia started to walk up the stairs with stuffed giggles. They must have been a little drunk from all the beer we have had on the beach.

Seeley rolled his eyes and followed them but when he glanced over his shoulders and saw me standing still next to Perkyn, he narrowed his eyes and turned back to me.

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