Chapter Ten

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Bella and Madison walked inside together after school, seeing Charlie at the table reading a newspaper. Madison went to her room after briefly greeting Charlie, hoping to get some more progress on her walls. She pulled out her paint-filled tub and decided to start with a few bees. She had no plan and was freehanding.

Madison got 6 small bees done before she got frustrated and stopped. It seemed that her mind drifted to a certain blonde woman every time she tried to do anything. Nothing she tried to distract herself with would work. Reading was an epic failure, as it often was, and she had forgotten her homework in her locker. Madison eventually stared at the walls of her room until she was called to dinner.

After dinner that night, Madison slept in Bella's room with her. She had never been one to sleep in Bella's bed, it was always been herself that sought out Madison, so Bella knew something was up. Bella simply curled her arms around Madison, holding her close.

Madison once again dreamed about Rosalie, but the dream had changed. Rosalie was standing across from Madison in the latter's room. She was holding a bundle that Madison couldn't figure out what it was. Until it gurgled and cooed up at Rosalie.

"Thalia, say hi to mommy," Rosalie whispered, smiling down at the newborn.

Madison froze.


"Yeah, that's what we agreed on. You're mommy, I'm momma. At least until she's old enough to decide what she wants to call us," Rosalie informed, moving closer.

Madison caught the glint of a ring on Rosalie's left hand. She felt herself panic as the baby was placed in her arms until she looked at her face. It was a perfect blend of Rosalie and herself, with Rosalie's nose and eyes but Madison's lips and hair.

"She's perfect," Madison whispered, looking back up to Rosalie.

The blonde grinned. Madison opened her mouth to say more but felt herself waking up. She almost cried out, wishing to be back in the dream with her, presumed, wife and child.

"Madison, come on. I'm the one who sleeps in," Bella sighed as she nudged Madison awake.

Madison felt her heart shatter as she fully woke up. She didn't have time to process anything as Bella shoved clothes in her direction.

"It's not your regular look, but it's the best you're going to get. We're gonna be late," Bella muttered, leaving the room shortly after.

Madison groaned as she shoved the black shirt and acid wash jeans onto her body, tugging on her black converse and stomping down the stairs. She didn't say a word to Bella as she grabbed an apple and headed towards the passenger side of the truck.

Madison was easily irritable leading up to lunch, almost getting detention for being insubordinate in History. Jasper wouldn't tell anyone, Edward being an exception due to his gift, but he was worried about the usually bubbly girl. He had felt her confusion, anger, and self-hatred before he had even seen her. Her emotions had always felt bigger than everyone else's, but never that strong. He wished he could help the brunette but every wave of calm he sent her seemed to only push her further into anger and confusion.

During lunch she decided it would be best to stick to herself, claiming a table in one of the corners of the cafeteria. She knew she would lash out soon. Especially if Mike and Eric kept flirting with her. She watched as Bella spoke with the Cullen boy, and how Bella seemed to be left with more questions than answers. She wished she could get her hands on that boy for playing with Bella's head.

She refused Bella's invitation to La Push. She couldn't bring herself to leave her bed. Madison was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, along with ADHD. Episodes could be started by anything. While Bella didn't know what started her spiral, she would try her hardest to help her sister. Madison could go weeks without leaving her bed, barely going to the bathroom, and only eating enough to live when forced.

While she lay in bed all Madison could think about was Rosalie Hale. Her golden eyes that changed shades daily, her cute nose that was utterly perfect, her pouted lips that were always a beautiful pinky-red shade. Madison couldn't believe that she was attracted to her. She felt dirty. Like she should wash her insides with bleach to make sure she was clean. She missed a week or more of school. Honestly, she wasn't even sure. It wasn't till Bella dragged her out of her hole on the sunniest day in Forks so far that she let her mind rest. She could return to her bed later, now it was time to shower and go shopping for prom dresses.

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