Chapter 08

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You had arrived at Loo's and the employees around seem to be knowing you so they let you pass up to Carol's office.
You knocked as your brother was yarning because he was sleepy.

"Come in" a woman spoke behind the door.

You opened the door then entered.

"Mum! I got your drinks." You bowed."Helo everyone"

"Y/n, Haru?" Fale stood up and hugged you.

"Yeah!! That's my name!" You spoke.

"Go head y/n thats your mother!" Carol spoke.

"Is this supposed to be a joke?" Haru asked.

"Do I look like am joking?" Carol asked.

"She is not your mother kids Fale here is your real mother." Cadon spoke.

"The hell is going on?" You asked.

"I think am dreaming" Haru spoke.

"He is not lying Y/n she is your mother." Carol smirked.

"Mom!!" Haru ran to Carol. "Stop playing games that's not you! Are you trying to sell us off?" Haru was scared.

"Jade I think you should solve this issue. We are not detectives to start meddling in your family issues but we are investors. We just needed to make things right here before we could invest in" Cedlt spoke.

"I divorced Fale but I didn't refuse her from taking her kids." Jade spoke.

"Don't be stupid! Mr Jade you didn't divorce her! She got in accident and you thought he was dead so you married  another woman."Cadon rose his voice to Jade.

"It was all planned!! Why should I waste time on her." Jade spoke.

"So killing was the only solution? Do you know how much you put someone else's family in lockdown?" Cedlt rose from his seat."I call off the investment call Sanyu and let him know we are returning to the states."

"Am gonna make this company fall to Zero."Cadon spoke as he left.

The two men excited the room leaving you, Carol, Jade and Fale solve your family problems.

"She is your mother. Take them if you like.. They have even been giving me a big headache." Carol stood up from her seat.

You looked at Carol exit the room and you then turned your gaze at Fale.

"I think I need clear explanations." You spoke.

Jade excited the room too.
"Wait up sir!"you spoke making the man stop and turn back to you.

Carol walked to her car and grabbed her phone.

"Burn this building down and make sure they don't survive." she ordered.

"Should we talk at home am tried."Y/n spoke.

You moved out of the building.
Fale called her driver to take you at her place.

Moments later the car arrived and you entered.
Suddenly the building blew to flames.
Haru jumped at u while hiding from fear.

Fale looked at the building burn then to Jade.
"So where we supposed to die their?" Fale asked the man.

"She already knew what was going to happen but i can't_" you cut him off.

"We should get going." You spoke as you entered the car as if you had seen this situation before.

"Cedlt!!!!! Waaaa what the helllll! Cadon?? oh my God?" Sanyu was screaming his heart out thinking his bosses where dead in the fire.
He then started crying.

"Wow! What a dangerous woman!" Cedlt spoke sipping on his coffee.

"Shut up!" Sanyu yelled.

"Wait! So is this the main branch or another annoying branch?" Cadon asked.

"I don't know! But please shut up. Am mourning for my bosses.......??? Wait?" Sanyu turned around to see his bosses standing infront of him sipping coffee. " you are alive? YOU ARE ALIVE YEAHHHH!"
He ran and hugged them both.

"I thought i smelled something fishy, so we put on a show to leave that place." Cadon spoke.

"But the ..." Sanyu was cut off.

"Don't worry! Y/n's quick thinking saved them. I grantee she is clever in both worlds." Cadon spoke making the other two males stare at his brilliance.

"You got skills bro hahahaha!" Cedlt laughed between his words.

"Yeah! Unlike your poor brain." Cadon insulted the poor male.
Sanyu laughed at them mocking each other.

"Wait! Am sirs...." Sanyu spoke getting their attention."i failed to get the kawata's residence."

"......." They just stared at him.

"I am sorry but i got into contact with the boy i helped last night..." Sanyu spoke defending and talking about his adventure.

"The twin! Huh!" Cedlt spoke.

"He is a twin?" Sanyu was surprised.

"Yeah! The kawatas. The name of the orange dude! Was Nahoya and his twin Souya. They live with their aunty and their father died. Tell me? Doesn't that inform just link to what happened to the Kawata of this company?" Cedlt for sometimes spoke sense.

"What the hell?" Cadon was left outside the box.

"Yeah i guess." Sanyu spoke.

"Sanyu kun, you didn't fail but you actually got us so close. Unfortunately, the company is no more." Cedlt spoke.

"Ahhhh!!" Cadon wanted to join in the conversation.

"No its not! I mistakened you to be some random guy so i didn't have to say anything but actually their main branch is in the city near Tokyo bank." Sanyu spoke.

"You hid that inform from us huh?" Cedlt spoke mocking Sanyu.

"No, i just ...." Sanyu become scared.

"Don't worry, lets go!" Cedlt spoke.

Cadon was irritated nearly beating the shit out of them but he had to control himself.

"Yo Cadon ain't you coming?" Cedlt asked waving from the car.

Cadon just entered ignoring the fact that they left him out of their conversation.

Back to you.

"That's all that happened." Jade confessed in front of you and your mother.

"So,,,You are my real mum and his my father?"you asked.

"Yes my dear Y/n" Fale answered.

"Wowowowow! Hahahahahah! Like am going to believe your words. You are just strangers to me. Fale and Jade. If Mom wanted to sell us, then that would be OK because anyways she doesn't want us but to hire strangers to come and convince us that you are our parents!!! That's so lame of her. Even if it was Haru being deceived like this, he would be already eyeing you lying to him." You spoke while you laughed.

"I don't believe this!" Jade stood up.

"Shut up Jade." Fale commanded.

"She didn't mention to you my presence?" Jade snapped.

"Why should she?" You spoke.

"Because am you dad kid." Jade answered. "Besides that! I have always felt so weird around her."

"What the hell! I thought you married her willingly, why are pinning on us your problems?" Fale spoke.

"Well you strangers, please i will be leaving. I have school tomorrow. I don't want to wake up wasted." You spoke and carried you brother out of the house.

"Y/n" Fale called.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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