Chapter 05

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The next day.

"N/n over here" Sora waved to you from a distance.

"Sora is here " you mumbled.

"Y/n!" A voice came from behind.

"Mhm" you turned to see Souya without his twin brother.

"Oh I almost forgot. here I brought back your umbrella and Nahoya's jacket thanks for your help." You bowed a little to him.

"Y/n Nahoya is not coming to school today." Souya said as he walked passed you.

"What?" You wondered what happened.

"Some shit happened so don't ask and let's go to class." His voice faded as he moved to the gate.

*What a waste? Now he is skipping school.* you thought while looking at Souya's figure disappear.

"N/n" sora caught up to you trying to catch her breath.

"What happened to Nahoya?" You looked at Sora.

She stared at you blankly then held your hand.
"Come on let's go see Isamu." He pulled you but you rejected her offer and turned serious to what you where asking.

"Look cotton candy" she ran to the stall.

"Sora am asking you a question answer me?" You turned gloomy.

Sora stopped at your speech and turned to you.
"Do you want to really know what happened to him?" She asked pasting a grin on her face.

"Yes!" You answered.

"Then go ask him Yourself " she walked continued to the cotton candy stall.

You were surprised to Sora's reaction to your question.

"Sora wait up?" You ran towards her.

"I thought you wanted to go see Nahoya?" She rose her eyes brows at you.

"He is not important right now" you smiled.

"Shall we have candy before we go?"she pointed at the stall.

"Mhm"you nodded pleasantly.

*their is something going on but she won't say since we ain't that close. Oh well, maybe as well let it be for now.* you thought.

Back to Sora's brother,

"Cadon kun what did you get?" Cedlt asked.

"I got all the information you need to know including the woman you said the CEO was married too" Cadon handed his work to Cedlt.

"Sanyu kun get me some coffee." Cedlt demanded.

"And that's the blue print of the company" Cadon brought some printed papers.

"She has Kids ? That's odd."Cedlt became sups.

"Yes one of them is___" Cadon was cut off by Sanyu.

"Y/n L/n and Haru L/n if I say for my self those kids aren't hers they belong to the CEO so she is using them as a weapon to get what she wants plus if she gets too involved in these issues am afraid the company will fall apart and so our investment may go to waste just in case the CEO also accepts the invest." Sanyu placed the coffee for both of them on the table.

"She is already involved so nothing to stop her." Cadon took a sip of coffee.

"Cadon if she is then let's drive her out?" Sanyu suggested.

"How do you suppose you are going to do that?" Cadon rose his eye brows to Sanyu.

"With the help of the kids how else do you think?" Sanyu continued with his speech.

Hurt!!!( Nahoya kawata X Reader)!:)    (Unedited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin