Camping outside

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"Lucy, are you awake? You have to help or you'll sleep outside tonight!"

I slowly opened my eyes. Levy was shaking me softly, trying to wake me up. "What? What are yo-" I looked around and saw the other girls setting up tents. "You have to help setting up tents, or we will send you back in." Levy said with the straightest face possible. Loud screaming and crashing stuff sounds still arose from the building. They were pretty serious about their fights I guess. So were the girls about camping outside apparently. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "Have you ever set up a tent before?" Levy asked, handing me a bag of steel pipes and green fabric. Ofcourse I had never set up a tent before. I wasn't even allowed to go outside. I once asked my dad to go camping with me, hoping it would create a better bond. But all he did was yell at me that I had everything, that we had a big, fancy house, and that I was an ungrateful hobo for wanting to sleep like animals.

"Are you okay? You zoomed out." I blinked a few times. "Um, no, I don't know?" I answered. Levy sighed and continued setting up the tent. "Guess I'll be sharing a tent with you then."

The tents were small, but big enough to sleep in comfortably with two people. I heard soft snores from the other tents, everyone must have been asleep already. So was Levy. I think I was the only one awake. I had already taken a 'nap' earlier and I was just thinking about a bunch of stuff. The noises from the main building had died down a few hours ago, and the only other sound besides the snoring was the rustling of the leaves from some trees nearby. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my breathing. I wonder if dad has already noticed I'm gone. Probably. But only because one of the maids must have noticed. Would he do anything? or just be glad I'm gone?  I tried to ignore the haunting questions in my head. When should I run away again?  I have to be gone before they notice who I am. It's sad I have to go so soon, but if they find out I lied they will send me back. I didn't work this hard to get out, to just get sent back again! I focused on my breathing again. My head hurt from the negative thoughts and I felt like screaming. I turned my pillow around and crawled further into my sleeping bag. Those are all things I can worry about tomorrow. All I have to do now is sleep! I closed my eyes and focused on complete nothingness, and after that it didn't take long for me to drift off to sleep.

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