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"Who are these people?"

I stared at the people who were sitting around the wooden table, silently judging me, and they stared back. It's not that they looked weird, just... different? On one of the chairs sat a tall girl, with scarlet red hair. It was the same girl who stopped Natsu and that other guy, Gray or something, from fighting earlier. She was wearing a bright blue skirt, and black high boots. But that wasn't weird. what was weird was her armour. Yes, armour. She was wearing a chestplate, with a golden cross in the center. On her hands and part of her arm was armour too. She saw me staring and stood up. "I'm Erza, nice to meet you." she greeted, extending her hand. The iron made a rattling sound as I shook her hand. "I'm Lucy, I'm new here." I answered. "Welcome Lucy, I'll introduce you to everyone,This is Levy," She pointed at a girl with bright blue hair, reading a book in the seat next to her. "This is Gray," She pointed at the boy who wanted to fight Natsu earlier, he wasn't wearing any clothes, except for dark blue underwear. I looked away and waited for her to introduce the next person. "This is Cana," She now pointed at a girl, drinking from a barrel. The smell of alcohol confused me, she didn't look like she was old enough to drink but before I could ask Erza already moved on, "You already met Mira, and over there, the loverboy, is Loke." The guy she introduced as Loke stood up and swung his arm around my shoulders, moving Natsu a little bit away from me in the process. I shook off his arm and crawled back to the safety of Natsu. "Oy, Loke, hands off, she's under my protection." He kicked Loke away and turned to me. "Don't worry, he does this to every new girl, it's like his greeting or something, I dunno." He grinned and turned to the table. "Now it's time for foooooood~"

"This is delicious!" My plate was filled with some potatoes, a piece of chicken, and some spinach. They didn't know someone would join today, so everybody put in some food to share. Natsu was munching his extra-spicy chicken away next to me. I was just outside the splash zone, but Gray wasn't so lucky. Big drips of souce and foodrests made their way to his face, chest, and plate. "Hey fireface! hold your food to yourself!" He wiped some of the spinach from his face with his hands. "Don't complain so much McSundae!" I laughed a little, but after noticing everyone else on the table shaking their heads I went silent. "Hey blonde! you think that's funny?!" He stood up and wanted to climb over the table, I backed off, but Natsu was already on his tail. "Don't call her blonde, she just got here, be friendly!" Now everyone in the room was staring at us. I tried to get help from the others, but I don't think they understood the hint. In the meantime Natsu and Gray were already fighting, so I chose the easy way out, sneaking out. I picked up my plate, and used the commotion to get away without anyone noticing me.

The fight raged on for quite a while more, I could hear it from the garden. Just a moment ago I heard Natsu calling Gray ice-like nicknames, and he did the same for Natsu with fire. I placed my empty plate next to me and let myself drop on the grass. "Finally they stopped." I sighed to myself. "Yeah, it's not your fault though, every chance to fight, they take." Levy said, also dropping herself in the grass. The other boys, and Erza, all wanted to join in, so all the girls followed me and sneaked out. We were all sitting around a campfire the other girls had set up real quickly to keep us warm. It was pretty common for the boys, and Erza, to start random fights, even at night, so they had made an outside-fireplace. Big stocks of wood were gathered under a small shed, and there was a big circle made of bricks in the center to keep the fire from spreading to the grass around it. "Do you think it's safe to go inside again?" I asked, extending my hands to the starry sky. It was pretty late, and it was dark outside already. "Are you nuts? If it was safe to go inside again, do you really think we would build an outside fort to keep us safe?" Cana answered, taking another sip from the barrel in her arms. "It's not really a fort, and I'm pretty sure it won't keep us safe if they were to take their fight outside." one of the girls replied. "True, but it's still safer outside than inside." Levy answered. All the girls agreed with that. I closed my eyes and listened to the soft crisps of the campfire. One of the girls opened a bag of marshmallows and poked one on a stick. "Looks like we're camping outside again." I heard something crash in the house, which pretty much confirmed this theory. "I'll start this time." Someone started playing a guitar and hummed a song. It didn't take long after that for me to fall asleep.

Leave a vote if you liked it! Extra long chappie this time! Sorry I didn't update for so long, I've been through some really bad personal stuff lately, so I didn't really have time for / wanted to update. Leave a comment if you have any mistakes, ideas, thoughts, etc. see you all next time! *\(^-^)/* -silver *\(^-^)/*

Just another orphanage. NaLu, fairy tail.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang