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(this is their future)

Rose and Hawk got married and got two beautiful kids, one is a girl and one is a boy. The girl looks like Hawk but she have a blonde stripe in her hair to represent Rose's hair, the boy looks like Rose but he have a blue stripe to represent Hawk's hair. The girl's name is Apple, she's clumsy, love shoes and apple pies, she also loves her grandmas and her auntie Fala, she hates villains. The boy's name is Dylan, he likes pumpkin pies, swords, he is also brave and charming like Hawk, He also loves his grandmas and Auntie Fala.

"Mommy Daddy, Dylan won't give me a piece of a pumpkin pie!" Apple angerly said

Hawk and Rose laughed and Rose assisted for Dylan to give her little sister a piece of the pumpkin pie.

"But mom, she doesn't even like pumpkin pie!" Dylan said

"How about this, I'll bake cookies taste like apples and pumpkin so you guys won't have to fight alright?" Rose said calmly

Both of the two agreed and Dylan gave Apple a piece of the pumpkin pie and they all eat happily, Rose got to the kitchen to bake the cookies for the kids to snack on while they read some stories.

"I'm surprised that Dylan shared a slice of the pumpkin pie just for some cookies" Hawk said sitting on the couch

"What did you offer him?" Rose said also sitting on the couch

"Toys" Hawk said

"Pfft" Rose almost laughed

"What? What's wrong with some toys" Hawk asked

"Hawk, he doesn't like toys" Rose said

"What does he like then?" Hawk asked

"Wow I can't believe that you don't know your children that much Hawk, I'm disappointed" Someone said opening the door

Rose and Hawk both looked who it is and it was Fala.

"Apple, Dylan! Auntie Fala is here!" Rose shouted

Hawk hugged his sister while the kids run downstairs.

"Slow down, you could trip yourselves" Rose said giggling

Apple and Dylan hugged their Aunt and Fala hugged them back.

"I've miss you Auntie!" Apple said sadly

"Awww, don't cry Apple" Fala said kneeling down on the kids level

"Here, I found some books~" Fala said taking some books out of her bag

"Told yah" Rose whispered to Hawk

"Oh c'mon! You know I don't spend that much time because of my missions with the boys" Hawk whispered

Rose just rolled her eyes giggling while Fala and the kids goes up to their room to read the books.

Hawk and Rose's pendant started to glow and the tapped it, both the Moon Prince and the Sun Princess appeared and they have so much fun chatting about their love life and their life.

*Rose looked at you in the eyes*

"Looks like I've found my happily ever after, I hope you found yours" She whispered to you

She gave you a wink and she goes back to the conversation.

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