Author's note (pls read)

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Hi guys! It's me Luna_Sona aka the Author, I know I haven't been posting for like 3 days? (I forgot) it's because, I'm really busy with some spending time with my friends, family, and some of my relatives. I am also busy with the upcoming school, but I didn't forget about posting I'm just trying my best to post something everyday. I hope you understand my situation and wait for the next chapter... If u do, thank you but if u don't, well I understand so I'll try to post everyday.

That's all everyone, and thank you so much for most of you guys support! I really really appreciate it. Anyways just be happy! It's me Luna_Sona signing off for today✌️

The Mysterious Power of the Pendants Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ