Chapter 6

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Another day, another school for the gang. Hawk was really worried for Rose since then but he got his guard a little down because he didn't want to be extra protective for Rose, everyone met up on the same place where they always meet up.

They went to their classes, gets A+, and protect the school from random trolls. Everything was going good and it looks like everything was alright but Hawk felt something fishy about this day. He let his guard up at all times and look at his surroundings secretly so if there's any person watching them, well he could easily see the person but the person doesn't suspect it.

The day was almost done until...

"Agh!" Rose yelled

Rose out her hand on her chest and few minutes after, she passed out...

"Rose! Rose!" Hawk said while trying wake up Rose

"Let's go to Grandpa!" Joy said

Everyone nodded and they went on their dragons, Hawk gently put Rose on his dragon and they went on their way.

Let's look at Rose's pov shall we?

I could here them panicking... It feels like I can open my eyes but I can't, I'm trying to move but I can't, I can hear them but I can't say that I have a person that is talking to me...

"I warned you Cinderella... I will make your life miserable! Now I shall take over your body" Her nightmare said

"No! You'll never take over my body!" Rose said

"Too late..." Her nightmare said while forming into a shadow

I can't feel anything... Then I remembered something, The vision! I just hope that Hawk can manage her...

Rose opened her eyes and Hawk noticed something odd about her... He saw Rose's eyes are pink instead of blue, he quickly back away and the gang and Dr. Le Frog was confused.

"Your not Rose!" Hawk said holding his wand

"Smart little Snow White" The nightmare said chuckling

Hawk's surroundings started to turn into black including his team and Dr. Le Frog. The only person that he can see is Rose's Nightmare.

(Music Vid time!)

"Just let Rose go" Hawk said in a serious tone

"Oh her?" The nightmare said pointing at someone

Hawk turned around and he saw Rose locked in a cage, he ran to Rose that looks like she's been crying for ages.

"Rose are you ok!?" Hawk panicked

"Hawk look out!" Rose yelled

Hawk catched the knife without looking and it made Rose and her nightmare shocked. Rose was curious that why Hawk's hand didn't bleed and she saw that he is holding it on the bottom part (the part where u could hold it).

"Don't worry I have been doing this my whole life pumpkin" Hawk said giving her a wink

Rose blushed and Hawk stand up and faced her nightmare that looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"H-how..." Her nightmare said

"You underestimated me" Hawk said in a cold tone

Hawk dropped a hair pin and Rose caught it, Hawk attacked the nightmare while Rose was trying to unlock the lock. After she unlocked the lock, the place started losing its color (which is black) and it looked like a Galaxy room. The room looks like a place full of stars and a path made out of white rocks and ice. The nightmare started vanishing too and the couple delighted that the suffering was over.

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