11 || All An Act

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The celebration didn't last long as both girls were picked up by a hovercraft and quickly split. Eve had been put instantly into surgery for her leg while Katniss just got a check up and IV to recover from the lack of nutrition.

The hovercraft took them back to where they had been staying before the games and Katniss was moved straight onto the train to go back home, unable to see or even know if Eve's surgery had gone well.

Eve was taken to a building in the capitol where her surgery was finished. They were able to save her leg, saying that a only few more hours and she would have had to have it amputated. The gash in her other leg had been stitched up and was healing properly. She had to stay there for a week until they were sure her leg was healing correctly and her health was well enough.

The train ride back to her district was lonely, she missed Katniss and wished she would have been able to say goodbye before going to the capitol but she knew she would see her soon. 

She was nervous to return home, she didn't know how her father would be or how the others would now treat her. She was also nervous because she knew Katniss and her had a connection but she wasn't sure if Katniss was just doing it all for show.

Several hours later she arrived at the platform of District 12. She was in a wheelchair since both of her legs were hurt so she could walk, and when the doors of the train opened she wheeled out to see everyone from the district waiting for her.

Everyone clapped for her, she could see her father standing in the crowd, clapping as well with a wide smile on his face. 

"Haymitch," Eve said as he walked up onto the platform, breathing a sigh of relief for a familiar face. She hugged him for several seconds, she wanted him to know how thankful she was for the help he had given both her and Katniss.

"Congratulations." He replied as he helped her down from the stage. Eve smiled when a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes approached her followed by Prim. 

"Ms. Everdeen, it's nice to finally meet you." Eve greeted, shocked when Prim pulled her into a tight hug. Prim pulled back a second later with bright red cheeks. 

"Thank you." She said quietly as she ducked behind her mother.

"The pleasure is mine." Ms. Everdeen replied, the two shaking hands. Eve looked behind them to see Katniss walking over. 

"Katniss," Eve replied, breathing a sigh of relief as the two hugged. 

"I wanted to say goodbye but they took you away so fast," Katniss said, still hugging Eve. "Are you healing? How did the surgery go?" Katniss asked as they all began to leave the square and head towards the victor's village where she would now be living.

"It went well. They said a few more hours and I would've had to get it amputated." Eve replied and Katniss nodded, pushing the wheelchair. 

"How long until you can walk again?" She asked. 

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