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Oxygen couldn't rest in peace. Till the previous day, he at least had some hopes that he will resume his dream job soon, but he dug a grave for both himself and his friend. Oxygen was full of guilt, and he wished he could call it Carbon. But he was afraid to face him after the debacle.

That immediate night, he left back to New Delhi, after informing Aurelia regarding that. He needed to reach home, as his gun was there.

As he reached his home, he took his gun for one last time. He wished he could shoot himself with that gun, but something was stopping him. Despite having nothing, there was something in him telling him that he should live.

And fully dependent on his dream job, now Oxygen didn't have any other job in his hand. Except for his UG degree in Forensics. So, to survive—not to live—he decided to depend on his odd job at CCD and his degree.


The manager at CCD allowed Oxygen to work part-time—afternoon to night—so that Oxygen could try for another stable job in the morning. But, it was a tough nut to crack in the Forensics field, as Oxygen's percentage at UG was just 64. Oxygen let his UG degree loose, as he was already a trainee at Inspygency. Now he couldn't help but regret his past mistake(s).

After his work at CCD at night, he used to go to a local liquor shop, spend two to three hours alone, and somehow manage to go home tipsily. Sometimes it would be only him and other times it would be Pramod with him. And when he wakes up in the morning, he would regret spoiling himself by drinking. Yet, he would drink again the same night.

This continued for the next two months, still, things had gotten worse but not better.


That night, as usual, Oxygen marked his attendance in the liquor shop, waiting for his sixth shot. He was already tipsy and he got ready to get tipsier.

There was nobody except Oxygen and a staff. Oh, and there was also this one woman, who was seated two tables behind Oxygen, all on him. She keenly watched the staff serving Oxygen the sixth shot, while he lovingly patted the boy's cheek and gulped the shot.

Half an hour went on and Oxygen slept there. Time to action, thought the lady and got off the place.

The staff, who was pissed off at Oxygen, went to the lounge to wake him up. But, he found Oxygen to be nowhere. Presuming that he had left home, the staff closed the shop.

Yes, Oxygen left the place. But not voluntarily.


Oxygen woke up from his bed, as usual, and found that he drank again, feeling his head heavy. He woke up from his bed and looked around, only to find himself shocked.

He saw a familiar face sleeping on the chair, with a gun in her hand. He knew her, but not of this sort.

Scratching his head, he mumbled, "What is Aurelia doing here? And with a gun?"

He silently crawled out of the bed and tip-toed towards the bathroom. As he opened the knob of the bathroom door, he heard, "STOP RIGHT THERE, OR ELSE I'LL SHOOT YOU, OXYGEN!"

His heart skipped a beat. His hidden identity was exposed. As he raised his hand and turned around, he saw Aurelia pointing the gun towards him, with a fierce look on her. Passionate anger was evident in her. Oxygen thought that Aurelia was a kitty cat, but didn't know that she can roar loud as a lioness.

With a shocked look, "What a surprise, Aurelia!"

"Just fuck that damned surprise, shitty traitor!"

Now that was another surprise for him. Aurelia used foul words, contradicting his assumption.

"Whoa! But, may I know how you knew me as Oxygen the Shitty Traitor?" Oxygen asked, trying to step forward.

"DON'T YOU DARE STEP FORWARD, I'LL LEAVE NOTHING REMAINING ON YOU!" Aurelia yelled, which made Oxygen step back.

"Okay, but who on earth told me that I'm a traitor? Did I? Or did you see yourself?"

"I just don't care a fuck about it! I say what I heard," Aurelia said in her harsh tone.

"Fine, but... Will you just sit down for a while and listen to me? Just once?"

"I don't want to hear any of your stories. I just need a confession. What do you know about M?"

"Oh!" exclaimed Oxygen and lowered his hands. "If you know this much, then take this!"

He threw a heavy pillow on Aurelia's face and ran away, while Aurelia fell off. Before he could run out of his house, Aurelia pulled his leg from behind, thus leading to Oxygen fall down. She then placed his right hand on his back, sat on the palm, and pulled his hair with infinite strength, while he tried to kick her.

"Didn't know that my competitor was damn strong," said Oxygen, panting heavily.

Aurelia equally panted profusely, "Tell me. What is the relation between you and M? I'm not going to leave you until you confess."

"But before that, could you please answer my question?" Oxygen said.

"Go on," she replied.

"How did you know that I'm an agent? Because only people from Inspygency knew my code name. How come you...?"

"You're right, Oxygen. Only people from your ex. Agency knew your code name. I came from where you left, Oxygen," said Aurelia.


"This is Agent Lithium, ex. Criminal Detective Level 4, Inspygency," Aurelia said, thus shocking Oxygen to the core.

"Oh, wow! How small the world is! Now, may I know what led you to me?" Oxygen asked.

"I've already answered your question. Now, answer mine. Then we'll play a Q&A session itself!" Aurelia said sarcastically.


"Now! Answer my question. I need to know the A to Z of everything that's going on between you and M. Go on. Answer!"

"Fine! I'll answer. But, let me free!"

"Wait," Aurelia said, taking out a handcuff from her jeans pocket, handcuffed Oxygen, and got up, allowing Oxygen to tell everything.

"The things were not easy like you think," Oxygen said, ready to narrate everything that happened in the past.

So here we are, at the fifth chapter of Retaliation. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Please drop some constructive criticisms. I'm waiting.

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Word Count: 1056 words

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