Occupation: Unusual

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Art above by hermanthemoth, made into a promotional banner for the fest by capitu. You can find both of these creators on Dreamwidth, AO3, and tumblr (herman_the_moth on AO3), as well as other assorted places.

It's the last day of July and the 22nd rec list in this collection. Not perfect, but, for me? Not bad, either! After today I'll post at least 9 more rec lists to fulfill my 31 list obligation :). Hopefully throughout August. Although Camp Nano is done (clocking in at 30k for my original WIP and somewhere around 7000 for my Wonderful Wheezes fanfic, along with quite a bit of editing), I have a new project coming up that I get to procrastinate on just as much! I won't be providing word count updates or any other information on that one because it's part of the Anonymous H/D Erised Drarry fanwork exchange on AO3!

I haven't gotten my assignment yet, so I trust myself to not accidentally spoil the surprise right now. You could easily get a list of everyone who signed up to participate on Dreamwidth, and I combed over the rules to make sure mentioning that I'm involved isn't prohibited 😰☺️.

Basically, this is just me saying that from December 1st through January 6th, approximately 35 wonderful authors and 15 wonderful artists will be posting work anonymously on AO3 (sort of like secret Santa, as they're gifts for each other), and you should go check it out! On the 6th, authors will be revealed, and after that, I'll be able to migrate my fic over for readers who exclusively use Wattpad. I'm SO EXCITED. If you want to participate in the fun (reading, commenting, kudos, etc), look for the account Harry/Draco Erised on AO3, or the tag H/D Erised 2022. Remember, you're not allowed to guess who you think wrote something in the comment sections, as that can spoil the fun for other people.

Now, on to the recs! There are plenty more that deserve to be on this list, but I'm feeling sicky today, and it's already a whopper, so...


Under 10k

Teens and Up

Title: Vintage

͛ By: momatu
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12230142
Rating: Teens and Up
Author Summary: Of all of the vineyards, in all of the regions, in all of France, Draco's blasted editor sends him to Potter's....

Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, Photographer Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Past Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Pre-Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Vintner Harry Potter, Harry Potter Leaves the Wizarding World, Getting Back Together, 7k

Commentary: I'm just gonna leave you with a little itty bitty excerpt because my words aren't helpful here: But the prospect of seeing Harry again. . . .
There were days Draco could hardly make himself believe those few weeks had actually happened. And there were other days when, before he opened his eyes, he swore he could still feel the other man lying in bed next to him. Days when if he stayed still enough, silent enough, concentrated enough, he swore could still hear him breathe. Those short few weeks had been years ago, and Draco'd had a good number of other men in his bed since then, but none of them had left a part of themselves behind like Potter had.

Discussion Zone for Vintage


𐂂 Title: Just Pick the Right One (or Harry Potter Needs to Get a Job)

By: Lostris
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2224431
Rating: Explicit
Author Summary: From the moment he left the Aurors, Harry had been making an increased nuisance of himself with his new found free time. So his friends, instead of killing him and feeding him to the Manticores (plan A), decide to ask the help of a professional.
Career Choices: Harry: multiple careers; Draco: career counselor.

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