Occupation: Librarian

44 3 0

Can I just say, I am never ever going to take on a big project like NaNo again without having a second, really fun project to do while I want to procrastinate. This has been a shockingly effective use of my time.
NaNo word count today: 3070
NaNo word count for the full first week: 11173

All the fics in this chapter feature either Harry or Draco working as a librarian! I can't wait till I get to read a Drarry being co-workers in a library fic. I haven't found one yet. If I ever finish my current WIPs, I might just have to write it myself.

Under 10k

Teens and Up

Title: The Librarian and the Wandmaker

By: GingerTodgers
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12099120
Rating: Teens and Up
Author Summary: Harry pops into the Ministry for lunch with Ron just in time to hear that there's been an explosion at Ollivanders (renamed Slytherclaws by new owners Padma Patil and Draco Malfoy).
No one was hurt so why does Harry feel so terrible?

Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, Epilogue Compliant, wandlore, Magical Theory, getting together, Oblivious Harry Potter, Wandmaker Draco Malfoy, rare couples, Cho/Padma, 4k

Commentary: This one's just short and all kinds of sappy, cute goodness. Harry is the librarian, and he's totally lost for Draco. There's very little library content and a whole lotta people freaking out because their loved ones were in a minor explosion content.

Discussion Zone for The Librarian and the Wanamaker


Teens and Up

𐂂 Title: The Mystery of the Dead Man's Curse

By: Astardanced77
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/983727
Rating: Teens and Up
Author Summary: An unsolved mystery, an ancient curse and a new librarian. Harry is back at Hogwarts where strange things are afoot!
Featured Books: Gadding with Ghouls and other titles of the unforgettable Gilderoy Lockhart

Tag List: Takes place at Hogwarts but it's Post-Hogwarts, EWE, rare friendships, curses, Auror Harry Potter, Professor Harry Potter, Auror Ronald Weasley, baby Rose Weasley, 29k

Commentary: ahhhhhh I love this fic! Harry is strong-armed into returning to Hogwarts to teach by one Professor Minerva McGonagall, only to learn once he's arrived that Draco Malfoy works there too! Oh no. (Obviously, Draco is the librarian in this, having taken over for Madame Pince).
The curse portion is a little bit of a mystery. Hogwarts is still having trouble holding into a Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, and McGonagall needs Harry to figure out why, because she can't keep losing professors.
But, see, the mystery is hardly the most important part (in my decidedly non-objective opinion), the most important part is that Neville is in this fic, and he works in the greenhouses, and he's friends with Draco, and I love him. Pansy, too, is in stunning form as a new mom, though not present nearly enough, and Ron and Hermione are doing their best, despite being so done with Harry's Harryness.

Discussion Zone for The Mystery of the Dead Man's Curse


𐂂🥇Title: Faint Indirections

By: ignatiustrout
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20946260
Rating: Teens and Up
Author Summary: Draco Malfoy is the last person Harry expects to turn up in Boston, Massachussetts. But now he's here, and he won't stop requesting books from the library where Harry works.

Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, University, Magical University, Wizarding World of the United States of America, internalised homophobia, Magical Theory, coming out, Fantastic OCs, 29k

Commentary: He thinks he is probably happy. Most of the time. That excerpt is the tone of where our fic starts, but, very quickly, Malfoy becomes a regular part of Harry's life, (despite the fact that they clashed badly upon first meeting again), and things begin to look up. After all, Draco is a student. Where else is he supposed to get his books?
This fic is laugh out loud funny. Cam, especially, cracks me up. She is Harry's co-worker, a witch from America, and a tentative friend to Malfoy, (as they have classes together). Ron and Hermione have moved to Boston too, so Harry is surrounded by people he loves, but something is missing. Might it come in a Malfoy-shaped package? Yes, friends, it might.
This wins favourite fic on the list for several reasons. Number one is just that it's very well-written. The rest, I'll let you see for yourselves.

Discussion Zone for Faith Indirections

Over 50k


𐂂 Title: Hidden in Plain Sight

͛ By: momatu
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/984156
Rating: Explicit
Author Summary: Set four years after the Battle of Hogwarts, three years after Draco was abducted by person or persons unknown. Draco is now living in a small Muggle community and working in a library with no idea the Wizarding World exists, until one day, a bloke with a mop of just-shagged black hair comes in for storytime with a little boy to get out of the rain.

Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, Young Teddy Lupin, memory loss, past relationship, kind of a case fic, 56k

Commentary: just read it, I swear. Just do it. This fic deserves classic status, if it doesn't already have it. See, Draco has been working in a library for a couple of years now. He doesn't know who he is or that he has magic. All he knows is that he was first found wearing strange black robes with Draco Malfoy stitched inside, and that he keeps having short, strange memories pop up in his head, as faint as dreams and occurring far less frequently. But he has people he's friendly with a good job and he's done relatively well for himself.
Of course, Harry cares about none of this. From his perspective, his boyfriend vanished without a trace years ago, and this is the first time he's seen him since. He knew Draco must be alive, but it's been almost too much to hold onto hope. So, now, what does he have to do to get him back and find out who caused all of this?
Y'all, the chemistry is crackling.

Discussion Zone for Hidden in Plain Sight

And here's one more from my To Be Read list, just in case you're really starved for content

Title: Dukedom Large Enough

By: Alysian_Fields
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8199217/chapters/18783586
Rating: Explicit
Author Summary: His fortune lost, his family shamed and exiled, Draco feels he has finally found contentment in his new job as Hogwarts librarian. But this is about to change, once Harry Potter, the acclaimed Auror, returns to the school to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts and to turn Draco's world upside-down!

Tag List (provided by author, not yours truly): Romance, Explicit Language, Angst, Sexual Content

Commentary: it certainly looks promising. I found it recced on livejournal by icicle33. They mentioned a few key things: 1. Draco is a nerd who has accepted his fate to only be friends with books forever, 2. Draco and Narcissa exchange letters throughout the fic, 3. It is well-written

Discussion Zone for Dukedom Large Enough

Other Recommendations (don't be shy, this is my favourite occupational trope)!


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