Trope: Memory Loss

63 3 0

Ironically, this list has more fics I remembered well enough to comment on without refreshing my memory than any of the others.

Under 10k

Teens and Up

Title: The Dimming Divide

By: disapparater
Rating: Teens and Up
Author Summary: After a night out drinking, you'd expect to wake up with a headache, but this is taking it a bit far.

Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, Split POV, body swap, drinking, 5k

Commentary: Harry and Draco have swapped bodies! How did it happen? Who knows. What happens next? Who cares, it's gonna be fun!
Also, there's an unusual POV near the end, so that's fun.

Discussion Zone for The Dimming Divide


Title: A Few Brief Moments

By: disapparater
Rating: Explicit
Author Summary: Draco remembers his life with Harry, until he forgets.

Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, Present tense/Past tense, drinking, getting together, magical tattoos, Healer Harry, Potions Master Draco, 8k

Commentary: Draco is pining, Harry is oblivious, the Slytherins and Gryffindors are friends—what more do you need? Oh, yeah, and there are lots of time skips, as most of the fic is just filling you in on all the memories that Draco so desperately wants to keep. Fun fact: This fic is inspired by one I rec later down the list, Sleeping Dragon. This one occurs first chronologically speaking but does take away the mystery aspect of the second fic, so read in whichever order you choose. Warning: this one is just profoundly beautiful right up until the last section, which will leave you feeling all kinds of empty.

Discussion Zone for A Few Brief Moments


𐂂 Title: Pretty Fond of Not Very Good Ideas

͛ By: lq_traintracks
Rating: Explicit
Author Summary: Harry Peterson, Orderer Extraordinaire, and his trusty sidekick, Ray. Or: Harry's been hit with a memory charm, but it's okay because he realises he's bent for Draco Malfoy (pretend the for Draco Malfoy part is crossed out).

Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, humor, coming out, Auror Harry Potter, Unspeakable Draco Malfoy, 4k

Commentary: okay, this one is just so funny. It would be the number one rec on this list if the actual winner wasn't so damn good.
There's no angst, there's no pining, there's nothing but a really good fic with a really good hook-up scene to make it worth your while. Harry cannot remember himself, magic, Ron, or Hermione, but if there's one thing he knows for sure, it's that that guy at the bar is hot as hell.
Warnings: like all memory loss fics, a dub-con warning is necessary since the characters don't technically have all the information about each other. This one in particular gets an actual warning because Harry has forgotten basically everything about who he is and who Draco is. But he's very insistent that, once he remembers, he'll be fine with what he wants to happen. He's right.
Harry also accidentally outs himself here to his friends, and it's not clear if that's something he would've done any time soon without the memory loss or not.

Discussion Zone for Pretty Fond of Not Very Good Ideas


Title: His Secret to Hold

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