"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked. "Not out here but in the library where it's dry."

Ji-cheol sighed as he looked at you to see the warm smile on your face then you both got up and went into the library.

When you both sat down, you grabbed some paper towels for Ji-cheol.

"Here, I hope these will dry you off enough." You spoke as you handed him the paper towels. 

Ji-cheol rubbed them through his hair as he began to speak.

"I just received some news about my grandmother." Ji-cheol began.

"Oh? What happened?" You asked as you sat down.

"She...passed away from cancer." Ji-cheol replied.

"I'm really sorry about your grandmother." You apologized. "What was she like?"

"Like a second mother to me." Ji-cheol choked out as a tear slipped out of his eye.

You walked over and handed him a box of tissues.

"You know what I thought of when my aunt passed away?" You asked as he took a piece of tissue to blow his nose.

"What?" Ji-cheol croaked out.

"Well, my aunt did pass away from Gangrene...I know she was in a lot of pain but I thought that it was a good thing that she passed away, so she wouldn't have to suffer anymore." You explained. "The same can be with your grandmother because cancer can be very violent."

"I guess you do have a point." Ji-cheol admitted with a sniffle.

"Yes it's sad to see her go but just know, she'll still be watching down on her favorite grandson." You preached.

Ji-cheol looked at you with a small smile then pulled you into a hug, which surprised you.

"O-oh! Um, you're welcome?" You chuckled out in confusion.

Ji-cheol pulled away.

"Ji-cheol." He spoke.

"Huh?" You asked.

"My name." Ji-cheol rephrased.

"Oh, I'm Yn." You introduced.

Yn's POV

"Help! Stranger danger!" I heard a little girl's voice call out. 

Ji-cheol stopped pushing me then we both looked to see a little girl began dragged out of the park by some strange woman.

"C'mon, honey. Stop being a difficult little daughter." The woman demanded through gritted teeth.

"I don't know you! Let me go!" The little girl screamed out.

I got off the swing as we both ran over to the kidnapper.

"Hey!" Ji-cheol exclaimed. "Let her go."

"What? She's my child." The kidnapper lied.

I looked at the little girl to see her rapidly shaking her head no.

"Lady, you're not fooling anyone." You called out. "Let her go, or else I'm calling the cops."

The kidnapper then shoved me out of the way and tried to make a beeline for the exit but Ji-cheol grabbed the kidnapper by the arm and bent it back. The kidnapper let the little girl go as she ran off and hid behind me. 

"Dah! Unhand me or I'll file a sexual assault charge on you." The kidnapper threatened.

"Go ahead and do it." I heard a female's voice say. 

I looked to see a young woman with her arms crossed.

"I'm sure the police would be interested to know that a woman who kidnapped my baby is trying to press false charges." The woman, who's the little girl's mother, challenged.

I didn't waste no time and decided to phone the police, in case the kidnapper tries to make a run for it.

"Ji-cheol, keep her there until the cops arrive." I ordered.

"No!" The kidnapper screeched out.

When the cops arrived, the kidnapper was arrested for attempted kidnapping.

"Thank you, thank you so much." The mother profusely thanked as she bowed down to me and Ji-cheol.

"It's no problem miss." Ji-cheol chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"You two must be great parents." The mother commented.

Both of our faces turned red.

"Um...miss, we're not a couple." You nervously chuckled out.

Dang, do we really look like a couple?

"Oh my apologies." The mother apologized as her face turned red with embarrassment.

"Thank you sir and ma'am for saving me." The little girl thanked as she hugged Ji-cheol's legs.

Okay, this is too precious. Just seeing a little kid hugging Ji-cheol made my heart swell.

"Well, we best get going." Ji-cheol announced.

"Yeah, I think we got enough fresh air for today." I added in as we began to walk off.

"Bye bye heroes!" The little girl called out as her and her mother walked off.

When we got back to my apartment, that was when we began to part ways.

"Well, I guess I'll see you at the bookstore this week huh?" Ji-cheol asked.

"Mhmm." I replied.

Ji-cheol then leaned in closer, making my heart beginning to race.

"Oh my God, is he going to kiss me?" I thought to myself as my face turned red.

He leaned in closer and closer then stopped himself for a second.

I then felt a pair of lips press against my forehead as I closed my eyes.

He kissed my forehead.

"See you later." Ji-cheol announced as he walked off.

I walked back into my apartment then quietly squealed.

"Why does that make me feel flustered!?" I thought to myself.

All of a sudden, I felt something trickle out of my nose. I wiped my nose to see blood on it.

"Not again!" I exclaimed as I got up and went to the bathroom to clean my nose.

August 5th, 2022

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