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CASSIE watches as her ex girlfriend puts on her makeup in the school bathroom.
"alright what do we think? kylie?"
"mm. trixie mattel." "girl you gotta blend."
"okay, well help me. auditions for wellsburys origional production of sing-sing:a musical of love behind bars is today, and i have to beat out riley nichols for the lead."
"okay, my dude, you are putting way too much toxic chemicals on your face."
"i love toxic chemicals. give me all the toxic chemicals."

"hey cass, can you come here?" "uh- yeah what do you need?" standing behind the small girl as they both look at eachother in mirror. "can u put this on me please?" her hands in a pray motion with her mascara in her palms.
"yeah, course." abby then jumps up on to the bathroom sink so the brunette wouldnt have to neal down.

"okay, just dont move and keep your eyes open."
cassie starts swiping the mascara on abbys eyelashes as norah and max watch the moment happening.

abby thought that cassie had the most adorable concentration face causing her to blush a little.
she moved her head so cassie wouldnt see her rosy cheeks but as she does this cassandra gently grabs her chin and pulls her back to look at her again now doing the other eye. causing the blush to darken, now obvious to cassie.

an awkward cough comes out of max' mouth as they could all feel the tension in the room.
"..okay all done." she hands back the mascara and watches abby turn around to check how it looked.
"did i make you blush, littman" cassie whispered in abbys ear. the red head not knowing if her face could get any shade deeper.

suddenly everything was interrupted by a girl walking into the bathroom all the girls went all awkward and abruptly left the bathroom.

"so, that was sophie sanchez."
"she's a senior" "she's done cocaine, and she's got the best ass in school, she hangs out in blue with the popular seniors, then theres deaf kid yellow." 'hi! hows your summer?' max signs 'good, thank you!' he signs back
"cool. my dads deaf and my mum runs EDCO, it's the district deaf program."

"yes. wellsbury has many programs we've got like springboard, auto, metco, culinary, BB."
"my last school just had schools."

"light green is for loosers."
"abby, be nice" cassie says getting a playful eyeroll back.
"thats abc hallway its a jock hallway, but it also smells alot like axe."
"and red is for delinquents and stoners and my brother."
"i thought you sat with marcus, cassie?"
"uh no-i'm nor delinquent or stoner and i plan to keep it that way, me and him um- we just used to be best friends with this other boy so i still talk to him sometimes." at the mention of her late friend abby grabs her hand, wanting to give some comfort to the hurting girl.

"and here, we have berry tree. for the sophomores" norah says, singing the last part.
"cool sophomores" "cool" "we're not cool" "only cool people say there not cool because there very cool."

"hey, MAN!" "oh people call us MAN, maxine, abby, norah because we're inseparable"
"what about cassie." "no no, definitely not in MAN i prefer to just be cassie thank you." "we tried to get her to join but she wouldnt, anyways. samantha, has been trying to weasle her way in for year, but she is the definition of second-teir."

"guys with ginny we can be GMAN."
"come here, come here for a second." she grabs both max and norahs hands connecting them together and then taking cassies hand pulling max with her, so all three of the girls are getting pulled away by abby.

"why are you messing with MAN?"
"what— i like ginny" " okay. well i mean, shes fine, i guess."
"her and hunter would be so cute together." " i love love"
"oh my god! you are so transparent, you just want a girlfriend. why dont you just date rachel? shes gay."
"just because shes gay doesn't mean i want hook up with her. your gay and i dont want to hook up with you."
"oka— wait what, why not" "because that would be extremely disrespectful to my friend cassandra here." she says patting the girls back.

"hi rachel!" the four girls say in unison.
"your the worst lesbian."

ONLY A BREAK,abby littmanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang