27. Two Weeks to Join the Party

Start from the beginning

I shook my head to each question, looking down at my lap.


Snorting at his ridiculous suggestion I rolled my eyes. That guy was no longer even a blip in my radar.


I shook my head with even more vigor this time, glancing at him for emphasis. He smiled and raised his eyebrow before focusing back on the road.

"Ah. It's the party, isn't it?"

This time I just cleared my throat, not wanting to lie or admit that something so simple as a party had me tied in so many knots. But technically, this wasn't just a party. It was a party I was invited to by my boyfriend. That was supposed to be a staple of the high school experience, based on all the teen movies I'd watched. If we ignore the fact that Noah and me weren't actually dating each other because there were any feeling involved.

Because there weren't.

Even though the way he squeezed my hand was oddly comforting.

"It's just a small party, there won't be too many people, if that's what you're worried about."

I sighed, pretty disappointed in the fact that I was so horrible at hiding my emotions. "I just haven't gone to a party in a while, so I guess I'm a little nervous, maybe."

"I've got you, Skyler. I'll make sure you have fun. Trust me?" Noah said, and squeezed my hand again.

My eyes drifted to him naturally, and I felt my heart hiccup when he hit me with one of his trademark charming smiles.

"Yeah, I trust you," I said automatically, without even thinking of what I was saying and that unbearable smile turned 50 shades brighter. Looking away was my only option because my heart was about to give out.

"Good. That's good. You wanna do a question? Might distract you."

"Yeah, sure, let's do it."

"What does friendship mean to you?"

A good question, but one that I didn't have to think too long about before answering.

"Family." I said and smiled, thinking of Mel and Lily. They meant so much to me the word friends often felt like it didn't explain the sentiment well enough. They had been with me through everything. Forgave me anything. Supported me even when they disagreed with me. "For me, true friendship bleeds into family. The found kind of family. Mel and Lily are like sisters to me."

Noah chuckled, and I looked at him, frowning.

"Is something funny?" I asked, mildly irritated at the idea he might be mocking my answer.

"No, not at all. It's just... you stole my answer," he replied and glanced at me, a smirk on his face. "I think friendship is found family as well. At least, if you find the right people."

My heart warmed at another thing I seemed to have in common with this enigmatic boy.

"I'm guessing you found the right people, too?"

He nodded, a warm smile coating his face. "You might meet them tonight actually. Only if you want, I mean, no pressure."

"I'd like that actually."

Even though I knew of them, I was pretty sure I never really interacted with anyone from their group well enough to say I knew them.

Noah beamed at me, clearly excited that I was willing to meet them and the pressure in my heart lessened. It was going to be fine. This party was going to be lowkey and fun. What could go wrong?

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