Chapter 2

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Once the two of them went to the police officer, the officer asked Percy about what happened first. Percy told him everything he could. For obvious reasons, he left the godly bits out of it. Not sparing any details, he added what he heard from his neighbour. The whole time the officer nodded along, taking notes on his notepad. Percy noted it was one that detectives typically used in the TV shows he would watch with him mom.

Once he was finished speaking the officer turned to Bruce Wayne. "And who are you?" The tone that was used was certainly judgmental. Percy held back a grin because it was clear the officer didn't really like him.

"I'm Bruce Wayne. I'm from Gotham, but I've spent ages looking for my missing older sister. I even asked Batman, the worlds greatest detective, for help when I saw him once. He agreed to help, and he told me that he believed she lived here with her husband and son. I believe Perseus here is my nephew," Bruce Wayne said, taking a deep breath to calm his breathing. Percy eyed him from the corner of his eyes.

It was odd. Not many people are able to control their emotions that well.

"Well, Mr. Wayne and Perseus, there will be a lot that is needing to be done. However, if you are his uncle, you may have the right to take Perseus in. That being said, if his father is in the picture then there is a chance he will be placed with him. What do you think young man," the officer said. Up until the end he was mostly focused on Bruce Wayne. The sudden shift to him startled him.

"Uh, that sounds okay. Where will I be staying until there's a good home for me?" Percy asked. He wants to live with his mom and Paul. But that won't be possible any more. Staying at camp year round wouldn't be too bad. Annabeth would understand if he doesn't end up finishing school. As arguably his best friend, she should understand him far better than anybody else.

"Unfortunately I do not know where you will be going Perseus. However you will get a social worker tied to your case that will have your best interest in heart," the officer said, scratching his chin in thought. "Why don't you two head to the nearest police station. They'll get everything started."

With a nod Bruce Wayne thanked the officer before turning to face Percy. Percy was freaking out on the inside, however he knew that it did not look so.

"So, Perseus, would you like a ride there, or do you have a ride coming?" Bruce Wayne asked. Percy shook his head no before speaking.

"I'd rather walk. Don't worry about me. I'll meet you there," Percy said, getting anxious about monsters. There is no definitive knowledge on how using technology works as a beacon. However, he didn't want to find out.

"Do you have anybody to walk with you? I know you are old enough to go there by yourself, but I'd feel better if you have someone going with you. It's safer that way. If what you said is true, then maybe someone is after you," Bruce Wayne said making Percy frown. He was going to walk there alone. It wouldn't have been more dangerous than normal, per se, but if Bruce Wayne was correct then it may be easier to have somebody with him.

Before Percy could answer somebody walked up to them. Looking at the person, it was Mr. D. Percy sighed. Not sure if it was in relief or annoyance at the god. Though with the change of facial features, as minute as it was, gave away that the god heard his inner monologue. Percy gave him an apologetic smile.

"Hi Mr. D, I didn't realize you were going to help me," Percy said, trying to hide his confusion. It was always strange whenever he had to talk with the god, especially alone. He was basically alone with Bruce Wayne not knowing who Mr. D truly was.

"Mr. D," Bruce Wayne muttered under his breath. "I believe my kids have talked abut you. You're the camp director to the camp they go to, right?"

"That depends on who your kids are," Mr. D said. However, going by the subtle change in demeanour it was clear he already knew the answer.

"My oldest is Dick Grayson, followed by Jason Todd and Tim Drake was there last summer, but he's new to the family," Bruce Wayne said. Percy recognized most of those names.

While Dick was technically 'too old' to go to summer camp, being 20 years old, he still visits fairly regularly throughout the year. Always at least once during his regular visits to New York, if what he says is true. Jason only visits camp during the summer. While he doesn't stay the whole summer, he's there most of the time, only rarely running off with Dick to do something in the city. Tim was a name he vaguely remembers. If he's correct it belongs to one of the new small kids. Ones that have no idea the troubles of being a demigod is truly like.

"Yes, I do know them. By any chance do you know if your eldest will visit this summer?" Mr. D asked. Ah, that was why he decided to come. He wanted to recruit people to help in the upcoming war. There will be a war, and if what everyone was telling him is true he is at the centre of it.

"Ah, I don't know. I can always ask him if he can visit sometime this summer," Bruce Wayne said. Mr. D nodded in thanks.

After then the three of them drove to the police station using Bruce Wayne's car. While Percy still wanted to walk, neither adult would let him walk alone. The car ride was silent.

Once they left the vehicle at the police station, Percy got a glimpse of the driver. It was an older man wearing a butler's outfit. It was odd seeing a butlers outfit in real life. Percy had always thought it was something fiction made up to make it easier to tell the workers from the actual cast in shows.

It didn't take long for them to enter the police station. As Percy let the adults talk he looked around. Hopefully social workers won't get involved. Since he's who the great prophecy was talking about, he doubts Mr. D would let them get over involved.

Once they were all seated, they were waiting for the social worker. Whenever Bruce Wayne tried to start a conversation Mr. D didn't answer, and Percy was too lost in his thoughts. The three of them sat in silent.

After a few minutes, which dragged on for hours, the door opened with the social worker. It was a tall lady who seemed vaguely familiar to Percy.

"Hi Perseus. I'm Diana Prince and I'll be your social worker."


Note: I have no idea how American social services works (I don't even really know how Canadian social services work and I'm Canadian with one adopted brother and one soon-to-be adopted brother). I will try my best to make it seem at least believable. 

Anyways, I'm writing 'Bruce Wayne' in place of just Bruce because Percy isn't sure what to think of him just yet.

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