Nancy paled as she saw Riley walk towards the thing.

Nancy gulped down her saliva with difficulty, searching for an excuse.

"Your father gave it to me." She said, hoping she sounded confident.

"Ah ha?" Riley made a sound from the back of her throat, questioningly.

"You know if I was Lillian I would've given you the benefit of doubt." Riley started as she lifted the bust from it's place.

What a heavy thing it was!

"But you see, I'm not. You see Vincent isn't a very giving person. So how did you manage to get your hands on this." Riley asked her with an evil glint in her eye.

Nancy gulped as she tried to process her words.

If she was Lillian? Meaning, she isn't Lillian?

"You aren't Lillian?" She asked as she unsteadily took a step back.

Riley made a sound from the back of her throat as she shook her head in affirmation.

" are..?"

Riley 'accidentally' dropped the bust before stepping towards Nancy- who flinched from the sound of the bust connecting with the floor, shattering it into pieces.

"Ohh how Clumsy of me. My apologies I'm not usually that Clumsy. I'm Riley by the way, Lillian's twin sister." Riley extended her hand as she introduced herself while Nancy was gaping at her like a fish underwater.

"I will have you sued for this." She stuttered out as she looked at the bust that has now shattered into pieces. The eyes of the bust looking at her, as if mocking her. Did she really expect not to get caught?

"Legally parents property belongs to their children too. And would you look at that, I am his daughter."

God, she had never been so ecstatic for being that man's daughter.

"He gave it to me." Nancy stated, defending herself.

"I will ask Vincent myself, whether he gave it to you or not." Riley said, fishing her phone out of her pant pocket.

But as she unlocked her phone screen, she frowned as she realized she didn't have Vincent's phone number.

"What? Scared? I will file a complaint against you." Nancy said crossing her arms over her chest, assuming that Riley didn't have the courage to call him in case she was wrong.

"Do it." Riley said rolling her eyes. If she did press charges against her then she could easily get Vincent to testify in the court. And she could always say that she changed her name.

She went inside a room with a yelling Nancy hot on her heels.

It had a lot of pictures of Stephenie and ones with different people. So Riley assumed that it was Stephanie's room and opened the cupboard.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU CRAZY?" Nancy yelled at her as Riley threw the clothes hanging inside the cupboard on the bed behind her.

Riley soon found a blue velvet box and took it out.

Her curiosity grew even more as Nancy tried to snatched it away from her.

"Shhh." Riley hushed her as Nancy turned a panicky mess seeing her open the box.

A neatly placed diamond necklace sat inside the box.

Riley wasn't the biggest fan of jewelry or kept up with the latest jewelry fashions but the necklace was gorgeous.

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