Chapter 11: Battle of The Decepticons (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"You guys okay?" I asked. Sam nodded with Mikeala, but his expression changed as he looked behind me. I turned around, and my heart sunk.

"No. No, no, Bee! Your legs!"

Bee struggled to crawl out from the truck that crushed his legs. Sam quickly went over to the robot, making sure he was okay. I yelled at the cars to back up and give him space.

"Bumblebee.. get up! Ratchet!" Sam yelled.

I ran over to Lennox and Epps. He slapped his arm. I looked back over at Bee, struggling to keep my cool as I watched him struggle to move. Sam kept urging him to get up.

"Sam, his legs are crushed. He can't get up." I said.

"You're okay. You're okay." Sam comforted as he struggled to crawl. Sam had a tear fall down his cheek. I placed a hand on his shoulder, but my attention turned to the tank that shot at us. Another Decepticon.

"Come on, Bee. We need you out here." I said. "I need you!" Bee's expression softened, reaching a servo out to me.

"We're not gonna leave you." Sam said. Bumblebee whined and handed Sam the Cube.

The battle was on, explosions weren't too far from us. Ironhide, Jazz, and Ratchet were in trouble. There wasn't anything we could do.

"It's Megatron! Retreat!" Ratchet yelled. "Move! Fall back!"

A truck suddenly drove up next to us with a creep in the back. Mikeala hopped out.
"Sam. Help me with this."

While tying Bee to the truck, Lennox ran over to us. "Sam! Where's the Cube?"
"Right there." Sam pointed to where he set it down.

"Cap, what's going on?" I asked as I made sure Bee was secure. Lennox brought over a flare and set it down next to Sam.
"Okay, I can't leave my guys back there so here, take this flare. Okay, there's a tall white building with statues on top. Go to the roof." Sam shook his head. "Set the flare. Signal the chopper."

"I can't-" Sam started, but Lennox pulled him down by his shirt.

"Listen to me, you're a soldier now! Alright, I need you to take this Cube, and get it into military hands while we hold them off. (Y/n), I'm gonna need you to lead him there and get any obstacles out of the way while we take care of them from here." he said.

"Captain, I can't leave Bumblebee! He can't walk and he needs me."

"Listen, we don't have time to argue, okay soldier? I need you to do this or a lot of people are going to die." Lennox said. I nodded and took the flare from Sam.

Lennox went over to Mikeala, but she refused fo leave Bumblebee. She went over to the truck.

"Sam, (Y/n), we will protect you." Ironhide said.

"Thanks 'Hide." I smiled. "Come on!" We started to run.

"Sam!" Mikeala called. We stopped as she ran up to us and held onto his shoulders. "No matter what happens. I'm really glad I got in that car with you."

I smiled at them. Mikeala went over to me and gave me a quick hug before Ironhide told us to get moving.

"Sam, come on. We gotta move!" I yelled.
"Get to the building!"

We made a run for it as we heard Megatron shout for the Decepticons to attack. As we ran for the building, Ratchet and Ironhide covered the fire for us. I stayed ahead of Sam to make sure that the path was clear enough for us to make it.

"Don't look back, just keep running!" I yelled. More explosions and bullets were shit at us. Finally, Optimus had arrived on the scene. I wasn't paying much attention to them. I was only focused on getting Sam and I to the building and getting the Cube to safety.

Starscream landed near us, making me scream and run faster. Megatron spotted us and we continued to run, my heart pounded in my chest.

"Give me that Cube, humans!"

Running into oncoming traffic, Sam accidentally fell on his ass and a spark of the Cube's energy was activated. "Sam, come on!" I pulled him up onto his feet.

"Come on! We're almost there!" I yelled.

The building came to view. Running into the empty space, but we had to keep moving to get to the roof.

"I smell you, humans!" Megatron roared. We made a b-line for the stairs. Megatron smashed through the floors before Sam and I reached the stairs. He let out a roar as the depris cleared away.

"Sam, move move!" I pushed him to keep going while I followed him with Megatron right on our asses. It was a long flight of stairs, but we need to keep going. Gunfire and explosions echoed in the distance.

The battle is almost over.

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