Chapter 20: SERA O FIM DA TERRA!!

Começar do início

However, this time their hoods were down which allowed Aika and Issei to see what they looked like.

When Issei saw the chestnut girl, he instantly remembered the picture of him and his childhood best friend, Irina

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When Issei saw the chestnut girl, he instantly remembered the picture of him and his childhood best friend, Irina.

Since this girl looked EXACTLY like her, this only meant one was Irina. This was terrible for Issei because not only is she a part of the church, she will probably ask questions about why he looks different.

Issei's mother soon noticed the two and smiled.

Miki: "Issei, welcome home and I see you brought Aika"

The black-haired boy nodded his head as he looked at the two figures, the chestnut-haired girl smiled and waved at him.

Irina: "Issei! It's good to see you again! It's been a while hasn't it?"

Issei let out a small sigh.

Issei: "Yes, Irina. it has..."

Aika looked at her boyfriend.

Aika: "wait, isn't she your childhood best friend?"

The black-haired boy nodded.

Irina looked at Aika with a confused expression.

Irina: "um, who are you?"

Aika: "Oh, I'm Aika"

Irina: "you a friend of Issei's?"

The brown-haired girl blushed as she scratched her cheek.

Aika: "'s more than that"

Irina tilted her head.

Irina: "What do you mean?"

Issei sighed.

Issei: "Aika's my girlfriend"

This caused the chestnut-haired girl to gasp in pure shock, she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

Irina: "your girlfriend!? Since when!?"

Issei: "we've been together for like a few weeks now"

The black-haired boy's gaze looked over at the blue-haired girl who stared at him with a serious expression.

She was trying to see if he was a threat or not, she must be able to sense his bloodlust. Issei can't really blame her for being on guard, as long as she doesn't do anything to his lover then he won't kill her.

Irina: "Anyways, I'm happy to see you again Issei!"

Irina hugged Issei, surprising the black-haired boy. He honestly didn't expect her to do this, but can't really blame her because he use to be her childhood friend.

 He honestly didn't expect her to do this, but can't really blame her because he use to be her childhood friend

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