Chapter 2

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Third Person POV

 The Ocean, the vast blue of open water

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The Ocean, the vast blue of open water. The ocean is a place that is both beautiful and very dangerous. Maybe it's cause of what lives in the ocean? All the dangerous creatures that could easily kill someone, or maybe it cause humans fear of getting stranded out in the ocean.

But it's more of the fear of the unknown since humanity has only explored only about 5% of the ocean, they know more about space than what happens on their own planet.

But there is a legend that is known, a legend that has been told all around the world. A legend of a giant monster called 'Gojira' or 'Godzilla', the mere mention of its name sends shivers down even the bravest of man.

They say when the sea turns red, the monster of the apocalypse will rise from the sea and bring a great catastrophe that will be the end of everything.

However, may believe it to only be what it is a legend. But since humanity has only explored 5% of the vast ocean, maybe the legend is true.

It was a beautiful day as the birds flew high in the air above the vast open blue, but it didn't last for long since the birds soon began to fly in random directions. Almost as if they sensed something that terrified them.

However, some of them weren't lucky as they suddenly died and fell into the water below. When this happened the water started to turn red, not from blood since the birds couldn't bleed.

Air bubbles began to appear, from the amount there was it was as if something was coming to the surface of the water at a fast speed, but what would it be? it couldn't be a Dolphine or a whale.

Air bubbles began to appear, from the amount there was it was as if something was coming to the surface of the water at a fast speed, but what would it be? it couldn't be a Dolphine or a whale

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Suddenly, a large creature that resembled a pteradon erupted from the water with its wings spread out.

The creature was red in color, its beak was long and curves upward towards the tip, and its inside is completely covered in teeth. In between the top and bottom of the upper beak is a row of uniform blue scales starting a quarter of the way from the tip and ending at the eye.

On the back of its head is a singular, Pteranodon-like crest, covered in a yellow and white pattern that runs along its back to the end of its long tail. Along the creature's long neck are a blue dewlap, where the color spreads along the bottom jaw and lower beak. On its forehead, back, and tail are blue fins, with blood veins running up each one. Along its chest are rows of spikes that come to an end along its stomach.

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