Chapter 4

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Third Person POV

Sailing across the vast ocean blue, was a small fishing boat that looked like it's been around for the last 50 or so years

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Sailing across the vast ocean blue, was a small fishing boat that looked like it's been around for the last 50 or so years.

The boat had a mixture of colors such as a brown to almost red color for the bottom with a blue top, it also had some strips of white on it as well.

However, despite its old age, the boat did not look like it was gonna spring a leak anytime soon. Which is a good thing cause you don't want to be out in the open sea and all of a sudden your boat springs a leak.

On the top deck was an elderly man who look like he was in his 40 or maybe even his 50's, he had white hair and ocean blue eyes. He wore a traditional fisherman outfit with a tattered shirt, overalls, and high rain boots.

The elderly man took a deep breath, taking in the sea-salty air, and sighed before growing a small smile.

Elderly man: "Ah, what a beautiful day for fishing. I wonder what kind of fish I will catch today"

The man's gaze turned the vast of unbroken blue, he loved the ocean ever since he was a little boy. His father and his grandfather were fishermen who caught loads of fish in their time, they even brought him along on a few of their trips when he was a little boy.

He remembered a time where his father caught a huge fish only to slip and end up kissing it, his grandfather and him laughed so hard that they nearly died from laughing.

There was also the time where his grandfather threw his fishing rod out only to rip off his own pants and not realize it for a whole hour.

The elderly man chuckled to himself at the memories.

Elderly man: 'Those were some good memories, I will never forget those'

However, the elderly man soon began to remember a story that his grandfather told him when he was young. A story that he claimed to be true, he told him that one day when he was out on the open ocean he saw the sea turn red and a large monstrous creature rose from the ocean. Since he was a boy at the time, he believed his grandfather's words and wondered if he would ever meet such a creature.

But now that he is in the elderly age, he still wonders if such a creature even exists. Like he understood that humanity has only explored 5% of the ocean while the remaining 95% is still unknown, so there may be a chance for a creature like it to be out there.

Elderly man: 'Maybe my grandfather is right, maybe it is out there. It is a possibility since 95% of the ocean is unexplored, maybe it's down at the deepest point of the ocean...maybe one-day humanity will find it and maybe I'll be the first'

The elderly man smiled at the idea, he soon went back to his regular schedule of waiting for a fish to bite his line. But his attention was soon drawn to a spot in the water as he saw a pod of whales.

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