Chapter 13

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Third Person POV

Previously on Highschool Singular Point...

Issei: "Do yo-"

???: "I wouldn't say that, Singular Point"




The sudden voce that cut Issei off caused Aika to look around, trying to find where the voice came from.

Aika: "W-what was that!?"

Issei let out a sigh of annoyance as he turned and looked at a dark corner of Aika's bedroom, the brown-haired girl looked over as well as she saw the black-haired boy's pupils change again.

Issei: "I know you're there, so come out.."

A small chuckle was heard as something rose from the shadows, Aika's eyes widen as she saw a strange figure with a huge grin on his face.

A small chuckle was heard as something rose from the shadows, Aika's eyes widen as she saw a strange figure with a huge grin on his face

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The figure chuckled as Aika saw that the figure's eyes looked like something from old fashion radio.

???: "I knew that you would sense me"

Issei: "Why are you here, Alastor?"

Alastor chuckled once again as he still had a huge grin on his face.

Alastor: "As I said, You and I will be seeing each other again. Though I did not expect this"

Issei: "Expect what?"

Alastor: "You...hanging out with a human, normally you get the Ritual started"

Aika stared at the two with an expression of confusion, what was Alastor talking about? What ritual?

So many questions were flowing through the brown-haired girl's mind, she had no idea who this Alastor guy was or how he just appeared in her room.

Issei: "Well Alastor, Let's just say I'm taking things slow"

Alastor: "I see..."

Alastor then looked over at Aika as he still had the smile or grin on his face, but it seemed to gro more when he saw the brown-haired girl.

Alastor: "Ah, Aika. It's so good to see you again, It's been...well quite a while, even if your not MY Aika"

This caught Aika's attention, she wondered what he meant by that? His Aika? He's saying that as if there was another her.

Aika: "W-what are you talking about? who even are you?"

Alastor chuckled.

Alastor: "Well, as Singular Point said my name is Alastor. But I go by another name"

Aika: "And that is?"

Alastor titled his head as his appearance seemed to flicker, this caused Aika's eyes to widen in shock from what she saw.

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