Black Rose VS White Rose

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Ariana open up her arms to the white eagle, offering him a trip back. Blizzard rest on Ariana's arms and she quickly fly back to her family.

Back with the Arendellian, Anna is running into the middle of the bridge, "destroy that dam!", she scream to the earth giants, "come on! Throw your boulders!".

The earth giants do as told and throw the boulders to destroy the dam. Agnar saw her daughter still standing there.

"Anna run!", he shout.

Anna run to the other side of the bridge but a huge boulder destroy it, she quickly run back but notice it's nearly destroyed but that doesn't stop her to make a jump. Mattias caught her hand but then it slip and she fall.

"Anna!", Agnar scream in shock.

"Anna!", Kristoff scream his fiance's name.

"Anna no!", Iduna scream in fear.

Suddenly something as fast as lightning dive down and everyone is in shock, "what's that?!", Agnar asks.

Kristoff knew what or even better who that is, "Ariana!", he said with voice of hope, Blizzard fly and lands on his shoulder.

Ariana is dive down as fast as she can to catch Anna while dodging the brick pieces of the bridge. Just as Anna nearly get the painful impact, Ariana manage to catch her on time, "gotcha!", she exclaimed as she had her arms under Anna.

Anna slowly open her eyes and met her sister's, "Ariana", she whisper, Ariana's smile already assure that it's really her. Anna quickly wrap her arms around Ariana's neck tightly and lean her head against Ariana's chest.

"What are you doing?", Ariana ask calmly as she begin to fly up, "just because I always sneak out, doesn't mean I left you completely", she said, looking at Anna.

As Ariana and Anna land on the surface of the bride, their parents and Kristoff are delightful to see them.

"Anna! Ariana!", Iduna exclaimed and throw herself on to her daughters, "I'm so glad you both alright". Soon Agnar join in the embrace.

"You both really alright?", The former king ask as they pulled away.

"We're fine", Ariana assured their parents. She then look at the water that's going to flood Arendelle. The mist starts to fade and showing the bright blue sky.

"34 years", Mattias said as he walk side by side with Yelena.

"5 months", Yelena added.

"and 23 days", Mattias ended, he offer a hand on Yelena. The tribe leader gladly accept and they both walk out together.

Sven see the clear field and excitedly run out followed by the other reindeers. Everyone is so happy that the forest is free once again well except for one person, Anna start to miss Elsa as she recall Elsa's sacrifice to find the truth.

Suddenly a wind swirl around her and showing her the ice snowflake. Seeing this makes Anna gasp in shock, the snowflake fly away, directing her somewhere. Ariana who is standing by her side smile on how Anna feeling right now. Anna grab Ariana's hand and quickly walk towards it where it led them to the shore.

Something is moving on the water, rushing towards the sisters. As it get close, a figure of a woman with platinum blonde appear. Anna quickly realised who it is a d rush down to the shore, while Ariana wait for few seconds then jump down to join Anna. Elsa unmount the water spirit and look at both of her younger sisters with loving smile.

"Is it really you?", Anna hesitantly ask.

Elsa nodded and raise both hands for an embrace, "Anna, Ariana".

Anna quickly rush towards her and hug her older sister tightly and soon enough, Ariana join in.

"I thought I lost you", Anna said still hugging them.

"Lost me?", Elsa said as they pulled away, "you saved me-", she said and wipe away Anna's tears with her thumb, "-again".

"I- I did?", Anna asks.

"And Arendelle did not fall", Elsa said.

"I- it didn't?", Ariana asks.

"The spirits agreed that Arendelle deserve to stand", Elsa said.

The three sisters let go of each others hands, Anna turn to Ariana, "thank you for saving me earlier", she said softly and Ariana just smile.

"Elsa!", Kristoff called from distance running towards them with Sven and Blizzard on the reindeer's back, "you're ok!", he said in relief and hug the queen. "You look different", he said as they pulled away, looking at Elsa who had her hair down lose and her dress turn to white, "did you cut your hair or something?".

"Or something", Elsa said and the wind spirit fly around them. She turn to her younger sisters, "can I ask you both a question?".

Anna and Ariana look at each other then back at Elsa, "ok", Anna said.

Elsa smile, "do you wanna build a snowman?", she asks

"What?", Anna whisper.

Elsa concentrate on something and soon enough flying pile of snow appear, "thank goodness, water has memory", she said as she wave her hand and the body of Olaf is created.

Anna's smile widen as she pull out sticks carrot out of her bag and place it on the position. Olaf slowly open her eyes and gasp in surprise.

"Anna, Elsa, Ariana!", Olaf said happily then he turn around to see the boys, "Kristoff, Sven and Blizzard!", he continue and they all hug the snowman while the eagle land on his head, "oh I love happy ending".

They all parted ways after the long family hug, "guess this means we're done", Ariana said, but Kristoff nervously interupt.

"Actually, there is one more thing", he said and all eyes on him, Kristoff then get into one knee and look at Anna with loving eyes, ", Anna, you are the most extraordinary person I've ever met and I love you with all I am", he said and he pull out a beautiful ring, "will you mary me?", he asks.

Anna who is in complete shock look down at Kristoff with happy tears, "yes!", she exclaimed and quickly hug Kristoff.

Kristoff raise Anna up and spin her in midair before they both shere a kiss. Anna go to her sisters and give them a loving hug, while Kristoff go to his reindeer.

Well the happy ending end so quickly as screams can be heard from above the surface. They all parted ways in shock.

Friend Or Enemy (Book 4 / 7)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant