Chapter Six: Parallel Beginnings

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Huh, good question, how would you charm her, I mean, she isn't your typical teenager, Star added.

I mean, you aren't a typical girl Star, if anything, your anything but that, Marco commented.

Aww thanks Marco, Star said as she gave Marco a kiss on the cheek.

So, back to me, how do I charm someone like Janna? Tom replied.

Well, she's really into the occult and paranormal, which is exactly what you deal with, maybe ask her to hang out in the Underworld, maybe Star and I set something up for you while you and Janna do your thing, Marco suggested. 

Dude, that's a bit overkill, but I don't have any other alternative, so I'll have to go along with it, Tom sighed.

Actually wait, instead, Star, can you distract Janna and Tom you can help me with the setup, Marco suggested.

Wait, why switch it up, Tom asked.

First of all, Janna could easily suspect what's going on with us, you and I would easily give in to her Jannanagins, with Star, Janna wouldn't suspect as much from her than both of us, Marco said to Tom.

Great, now what, how would I distract Janna? Star asked.

Uhmmm....... I don't know, ask her what she wants to do, Tom suggested.

Okay, Thanks for the Idea Tom, I'd better get going, Star said as she left the Diaz residence.

Oh right, well, let's get going, Marco said to Tom.

Star soon arrived at the Ordonia Residence and kicked the door opened into Janna's Room shouting JANNA on the top of her lungs.

Jeez Star, what's so important that you had to barge into my room unannounced, Janna replied back.

Wanna commit some Jannanagins, just both of us, Star suggested.

Janna raised an eyebrow, Jannanagins, huh, that's what we're calling it, sure, but what's the catch, you're hiding something Star, you wouldn't ask me out of the blue, sure, I'm not a former magical princess who's defied destiny like you or a demon hybrid like Tom or even a skilled fighter and combatant like Marco, I'm just me, what's so special about me that you would want to hang out with me specifically, don't you have make out sessions with Diaz, why make time for little ol me.

Janna, Marco and I don't make out constantly and besides, there more to you, why do think I trust so much, after Marco, your the only other earthling I can call a best friend, Star said.

Um, thanks Star, you know I'm not the emotional type, right, so, what Jannanagins are we going to commit, Janna asked.

Oh right, the 1st one will be in the Underworld, we'll prank Tom, but I do need to contact him in order for us to get there, Star said.

Why don't you just........Oh right, still getting used to that, man I miss portal travel to other worlds, it was so simple with a pair of scissors, now it's inaccessible, how come Tom's portals don't work like the scissors, Janna asked.

Oh, it's a Demon thing, he can only use them to travel to the underworld and vice versa with Mewni, well I guess now with, uh...... did they ever come up with an official new name for our two worlds, Star replied.

Not that I know of, geez, its taking them this long to figure out a name for the fused worlds, why even choose a new name to begin with? Janna shouted.

Because Janna, Echo Creek doesn't exactly encapsulate, well, monsters, giant spiders, birds and mermaids, all I know is that the new name is supposed to be the best of Echo Creek and Mewni, give it time, Star said.

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