Chapter One: Together At Last, Except.....

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Star and Marco instinctively hugged each other at the sight of one another, thinking that they will not see each other again.

I thought I might never see you again, Marco said.

Same here, Star responded.

The now reunited couple look to their surroundings and realise what had just happened. Did we do all this, Star replied. 

I guess, Marco responded.

It's very surreal and pretty, Marco replied.

Oh god, what did we do, everything is in chaos, oh no, I messed up big, Marco, we messed up big time, Star said in a panicky tone. Star was hyperventilating at the aftermath, was destroying magic the way to go, there could have been another way, she thought to herself, Star was way in over her head, Marco consoled her.

Hey, don't worry, we'll get through this, we always have, sure things are very different now, but we will get through this, together, Marco responded. Star knew her best friend, now boyfriend would say that he always had a way with words.

So, what do we do now? Star asked. 

Well, I guess we find our friends and our parents, they're probably wondering what the hell just happened, Marco said.

Well, what are you waiting for, let's go find them, Star said.

Together, the newly reunited couple go in search of their friends and family.

 Moon and Eclipsa's POV's moments before the Cleaving

So, Moon, what now, now that magic and the Butterfly Monarchy are at an end, what do want to do now? Eclipsa asked.

I don't know, all my life, I was raised with one purpose, to lead Mewni, I mean when you took over, it was an opportunity to finally wind down, but your ruling did leave some complaints, Moon responded.

Moon of course was referring to the Mewmans kicked out of their homes and soon became a Defacto leader for what River call the "Yurt Village".

Oh right, sorry about that, but I mean right now, what do want to do now? Eclipsa said.

Well, I did want to..............

But before Moon could say anything further, River interrupted her. What is it, River? Moon asked.

Uh, when you destroyed magic and all, was a big portal in the sky part of that, River asked.

Portal in the sky? What are you talking about, Moon asked.

He means that, Eclipsa and Globgor both pointing up in the sky.

Wait is that Star running towards the portal, Globgor pointed out.

Eclipsa took noticed and informed Moon, Uh Moon don't want to worry you and all, but your daughter is running towards the portal.

Star......................... wait. Moon said.

River, Moon, Eclipsa and Globgor, who is holding baby Meteora all make a dash for the portal but were immediately met with a flash of white.

Moments later, the white flash receded back and all the adults + Meteora were met with the sight of the cleaving, they were all in awe and shock at their new surroundings.

What is all of this? The adults questioned.

It seems like Mewni fused with what looks like Diaz's hometown, River said.

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