Accelerator episode 9

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"I am not going to answer that, simply because I can honestly not tell you whether she was there or not and if she will get there on time. I was otherwise preoccupied at the time." Accelerator rumbles, before taking a sip at his coffee, trying to ignore the warmth all around him.

"She's gotten her resolve together and hopefully nothing can shake it. I really hope she manages to get the charm destroyed or whatever, because the things Hirumi has planned don't seem like good things to me, not with those evil grins, and malicious aura that are around her, except when she plays up that damn little act." Touma winces, because having someone play an act that's so obviously different from who they are just to complete a plan, it bothers him enough that he really wants to punch her, because that kind of dishonesty leads to a lot of misunderstandings and can hurt people, besides, Hirumi is gone, all he would be doing is punching the pseudo soul.

"I just hope you stay safe, because none of you, our son in particular, seem to care much for your lives, as long as the others are safe." Yomikawa groans, stretching out a bit and rolling a shoulder, before getting comfortable. She can't even count the number of times her albino asshole of a son has caused her and the other two to worry, because he can't bother to inform them of anything, not when he really should.

Hundun is flying still, the sun in the sky, a bridge behind it and water underneath, though it's not in its oval shape. Hishigata looks excited. "Soon we'll be able to obtain the formula and after my Hirumi uses it, she'll achieve a status the likes of which no one has seen before." Hirumi pops up from where she had been resting by the side of his chair. " Our dream will finally come true." The cords and wires are still connected to her, a complete contrast to the happy, higher pitched voice she has, the screens giving off the only light in the room. "That's right Hirumi." The screens can be seen just barely, some above showing what look like pulses rates, while another to the left appears to be monitoring the damage and systems of the coffins. "Brother, what will happen afterwards?" She sounds actually curious, perhaps maybe even too much so. "Isn't the answer obvious?" He's peering at the screen, looking much younger than he probably is, Hirumi staring at him from where she's leaning just the slightest bit on the desk. "Once Academy City sees the fruits of our labor, they'll have no choice but to acknowledge our success."

"They're siblings?!? I can't say that's surprising, but it's kind of bothersome and extremely disturbing. What the hell kind of dream are they working towards so harshly? Surely there's no way it can be so important as to risk everything they're risking." Index asks, because surely they must have had other options and chose this one because they were not in the right of mind.

"I think they believe they're going with the best path, but honestly, they care more about their dream and goal than what other people are suffering from so there's no point in asking why they're going about getting their dream done this way, they don't care about others. I really want to offer them a sincere punch to the face, because their delusions have trapped them and they are hurting other people, just for a stupid dream that probably isn't worth it." Touma growls in response, staring harshly at the two, because maybe they once were screaming for help without asking, but now they are hurting others for no reason, dirtying their hands and souls just to finish something that both appear to want desperately, for no real reason.

"God, they aren't fuckin wrong, but the way they're going about it will be edited and honestly, the only thing I can see is the fact they will be awarded and loved for finishing whatever the fuck they're doing. After all, if this is what I think it is, especially after everything he's said... then they would be the 1st and so they would inevitably be praised..." Yoshikawa sighs, already hating that they might succeed, even more so that the truth is, they would be given a huge reward as well as a great many other things, just for cracking the code, though they might get in trouble for the necromancy. If it was discovered, otherwise they'd get away scot free.

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