Ch. 3 Night

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I can't look away from the ground that is so far away from me as I soar through the sky with this vampirium. The cavern below us stretches like a giant crack with darkness oozing out of it.  

Is this even real?

Taking a short break from screaming I stir slightly in the vampirium's arms but he slowly whispers in my ear. 

"It's alright, it's alright. We're nearly done." I can finally pull my face away from the great cavern of darkness and take in the strangers face which is closer then I thought I would ever get to an alive vampirium. 

His eyes are wine red like two glasses and his hair almost curls and blends with the starry black sky. He is as handsome as the stories describe the seductive creatures. 

I notice we soon get closer and closer to the ground and I can no longer hear the howling of the pale moonlit monsters. My feet gentle hit the ground as the stranger lowers us down and we both regain our breath. 

"I just fucking flew." I whisper hoping he will not hear me but despite my efforts I hear him softly chuckle. I close my eyes, putting my hands on my head breathing in the crisp air of the forest. Judging by where we had flown, I was still near the village but the forest was between us. 

"Now this has all been delightful," the vampirium says "but I must know, how was this man killed and found as you mentioned before."

Opening my eyes, I turn towards him taking in the creature from my fairy tales. Although he had saved my life, my trust was not by all means sold. "I need your name first."

"Everek." He answers without hesitation and quickly. "But you can call me Verek. And now yours."

Pausing longer then he did, I reply slowly as to gather some small courage. "Dreya. My friends call me D though."

He smirks up at this. "So we are friends now then, Hunter."

Rolling my eyes I reply quicker. "Not in the slightest. Now what exactly do you want to know."

Everek's face grows dark, as if shadows loom over him. "If this man was really killed by a person of blood thirst, then it goes against the code of what our people live by."

"Your people live by code?" I quip, raising question to his accusation. 

He glares at me but continues. "Whether a vampirium committed this act out of anger or fear, I need to know."

"So your saying that possibly-" My thoughts are cut off quickly though by a familiar sound. 

"DREYA! DREYA!" Jerzy yells breaking through the clearing, his bow and arrow raised with the led tipped ones at the ready. He stands in front of me as Everek backs away from us."Stay back you demon!" Jerzy hisses at him raising his bow and shooting him. 

Yet because of Jerzy's shaking hand, the arrow misses any vital target and skims Everek's upper arm, causing him to slightly gasp. But it is soon followed by a mocking laugh. 

"Well I don't think I'm too worried about your shot, judging by how you only cut my arm." Everek retorts with a smirk, his accent coming through more then it had during any other time that night.

Jerzy's eyes fill with rage and he raises the bow again but I stand in front of him. "WAIT JERZY LISTEN!" Jerzy's eyes fill in surprise but not for long as I hear the beating of wings start behind me and Jerzy's once again fire filled eyes raise to the sky. 

I turn around to find Everek slowly lifting into the sky, his bat wings moving swiftly and a trickle of blood trailing his right arm.  

"Until we meet again, D." He says with a wink and then he dives into the sky, morphing into the clouds and stars, seeming to vanish in thin air. 

After a few moments of silence from the sight we have just witnessed, Jerzy speaks again with such anger, I am astonished it's him. " DREYA!? WHAT WAS THAT!?"

"I WAS GAINING IT'S TRUST!" I turn towards him, my anger just as ripe as his.


"YES! You expect me to attack a vampirium when it was speaking so calmly to me? If I had tried to strike it I would have died in an instant." That's right. He could have killed me at any moment but he didn't. Why didn't he. 

"Oh yeah!? And what exactly do vampirium converse about with their prey!" 

I open my mouth to respond but I realize I couldn't tell Jerzy what Everek had suggested. That a rouge vampirium had killed his father and they were actually all peaceful folk. 

Taking in my 'defeat' Jerzy seemed to straighten up. "That's right. You were caught in a seduction. Wooded by his 'charm' and soon to be his own private dessert."

My mouth gaped open and before I knew it my hand came down on Jerzy's face, slapping him so hard, my hand stung. 

"I came out here to help you. I understand that you have lost your father today but that does not excuse you to talk to me like this. I was trying to get closer until I could kill him. FOR YOU. But if you are too blinded by hatred to see your own best friend in front of you, trying to help, then you need to step back." 

I turned away from him and saw a path that our workers took when travelling out here. It would lead straight back to home. Turning my head slightly to Jerzy I whisper. "You can stay out here if you'd like but I've had enough 'charm' and darkness for one night."

And then I followed down the path not waiting to see if he followed. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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