Ch. 2- Darkness.

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"-only thing that's burn-in when the night grows cold. What do you think Dreya?" 

"Huh?" I felt bad but my parents worries about the farm was not the top priority in my mind at the moment. 

"I was asking whether you think it would be a good idea to make a lantern of some sorts for the sheep and other animals that can give off heat when it gets cold in the winter."

"Oh. Yeah that sounds great dad." As smart as my father was he could not read the room. Thankfully my mother could. 

"Ford, perhaps tonight isn't the best night to discus such inventions." She gave him a look that I also knew too well. 

"Oh. Yes you're probably right dear." My father then picked up some broccoli and fed it into his mouth. 

"Oh Susej Ford. We've just lost a dear friend and you're acting as if nothing happened!" 

"Well that's what we are supposed to do Dasey!" My father said slightly slamming the table. 

Stirring the carrots around on my plate was getting more and more boring as my parents fought about the recent tragedy. 

"We have to keep quiet about this. You know what those vampirium can do! They can hide their wings and eye color and blend right in! Heck, the creature that killed Stuw could be right among us!"

"FORD!" And I took this as my chance to leave. 

"I think I'll call it an early night." I said as I picked up the barely eaten plate. "Goodnight parents. May Susej bless you."

"Goodnight Dreya."

"Goodnight Darling."

I hurried upstairs after rinsing my plate off for the pigs. Walking into my room, I felt a bit better about what I was planning to do next. I crossed to my dresser, looking at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were golden brown yet I had gotten so used to them, when they looked back at me, I was not surprised like other people are. My hair needed to be braided. It was thick and matted and for this job, I needed to be stealthy. So a black braid would be perfect. 

My closet was filled to the brim with dresses and shoes but that's not what I needed. I pulled out dark work pants and skinny riding boots. Basically, my outfit would have to be a mis-match of riding and work clothes as those would be the stealthiest and easiest things to move in. 

The clock on my wall struck eight o'clock. I had time to run through the plan in my head again. 

Step 1. Meet at my back house gate as it was the closest thing to the forest. (Which is funny to think about how close I have been to a place filled with horrid monsters that at the first chance would suck my blood out for it's own pleasure.)

Step 2. Get into the forest. That meant past the gates, guards and watchers. 

Step 3. Hunt out a vampirium. DO NOT GET SEPARATED. 

Step 4. Kill a vampirium and bring it's head back to bring honor to Jerzy's father and allow him to be buried. 

Yup. Such a simple plan.

I checked the clock again and saw that only three minutes had passed. Anxiousness overcame me and I left to the meeting spot early. 

As I approached the spot, a figured loomed in the shadows near the gate. I sucked in my breath taking my dagger from it's sheath. Led so that it would actually harm the Vampirium. I was about to sneak up on the person and check who they were in their black cloak when Jerzy turned around looking at me, surprised to see my hand raised with the lethal dagger in my hands. 

Bloody Lies.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang