Ch. 1- Light

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"Some days, you're the only thing I know, Dreya." 

"That's bullshit." I start walking away in the semi crowed hallway, tired of hearing Chanceler's rant again. For the 4th time this month. 

"What do you mean!? You consume my thoughts and soul. You're the only thing keeping me afloat." He presses his hands against his chest, closing his eyes and leaning to the sky.  

 I nearly choke on my tea I'm drinking as I walk to my next class. "Afloat in what? You've never even seen an ocean much less a lake, Chanceler. How could you know what it feels like to 'stay aflout'."

His mouth gapes open, appalled at my sharpness. But then he glares at me, angry at being made a fool. "Mark my words Dreya. I will make you my wife and I will have you as my own."

"Ok good luck with that. You know consent is real thing right?" I scoff and hurry into the classroom, away from him.

The classroom seems dull and tiresome as ever as I enter, only a few seconds late. Miss Lidle is starting to drawl on about the mathematics of counting sheep or some sort of boring math equation  that will someday help my farming career. 


I shudder as the thought of actually doing that as my job appears. It's not like I don't love my parents and all they sacrifice, heck even some of the cows we own have been my best friends and there for me through the toughest times in my life. But it's the thought of being forced into a marriage that comes with being responsible for the villages food supply. 

Ergo, being married to the son of the mayor so we can always be there for the village for food or for whatever other problem occurs. 

Meaning I would have to marry Chanceler, which is less then ideal. 

"Miss Amdis!" My eyes spring forward as Miss Lidle has called out my name. "Well?"

Maybe if I say some random shit she would leave me alone.

"Well....I believe there will be 13 sheep at the end of the week with wolf spiking and crops dropping."

"The fuck is she even talking about?" Someone whispers behind me. I glare at the doofus as Miss Lidle speaks again. 

"Mister Ilke, language please. But Dreya could you enlighten the class on what exactly you are talking about."

"Uhhhhhhhhh." My mind is blank. 

Great plan Dreya.

"She was talking about her father's new sheep stock that came in yesterday. There are 15 in total but as Dreya mentioned, there are more wolves in the area then usual and the neighboring crops supplies have not been as supplicate. Look at Dreya go, always thinking about her future and job." 

I look to see Jerzy strutting in the door, his prairie orange hair glowing in the sun. I can only imagine what the other girls are thinking of him in his black buttoned shirt with a green jacket cardigan complimenting every part of him. He is a bright contrast to the rest of the room, including me, being glum and grey. 

"Ah yes!" I exclaim, continuing with Jerzy's random story. "I've just been so caught up thinking about those poor sheepies and hoping they don't get eaten." My face is trying to match my voice in desperation of thinking about the sheep, hoping Miss Lidle believes me. 

"Oh. I see. Well next time perhaps just explain yourself instead of Mister Eswa having to. And pay attention! Now back to it then." Miss Lidle starts again just as Jerzy sits next to me. 

"Took you long enough."

"Oh so it's my fault that you decided to zone out." He rolls his eyes, leaning back into his chair. "You know a thank you would be just fine, D."

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