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Holding the human soul with his magic, Sans started walking towards the throne room, passing through the completely white rooms of the palace.

In this trajectory he couldn't help staring at the soul, and started thinking about if what he was doing was a good idea, honestly, he just wanted to stab the soul and make the anomaly burn in hell, but... that probably won't stop it in reset if it wanted, so there was no case of doing that.

Besides, this would be for a greater good, right?

When he reached the entrance of the throne room, he moved the soul to his back, he figured showing it directly might not be the best idea.

Sans entered the throne room, and he could see him, Asgore, the king of the monsters, standing in the middle of it, facing the other side.

"How curious, I've never seen a plant... cry before" He said to himself.

"Uh... hello?" Sans said, trying to get the king's attention. Asgore heard this, and turned around.

"Oh, howdy!" He greeted, "You're the second one who visits me today, who would guess it?" He chuckled, "You seem familiar, are you one of my sentinels maybe?"

Sans nodded, "Yes, your majesty,"

"No need to such formalities young one!" Asgore assured, "Now, what's your name? No, no, wait I think I got it..." He thought for a bit, "Comic?"

Sans cringed at that, "Uh, just call me Sans," He said.

"Fine, Sans, that's actually very convenient, you see, I've got just warned about a dangerous monster coming here, do you know anything about that?" He asked.

Sans was confused, did he really have no idea what was going on?

He frowned, "Well, you could say that..." He said, he then removed his hand from his pocket and started revealing the soul.

"Why are you using your ma-" Asgore shut up, eyes completely opened at the sight of the human soul, "Oh"

For a brief moment, nobody dared to talk, both of the monsters were just standing, Sans holding the soul, and Asgore staring at it.

Finally the king broke the silence, "I understand, please follow me" He ordered quietly.

He took his way outside of the throne room, Sans followed him.

In the next room, Asgore talked again, "This human, what did it do? The one who warned me seemed to be pretty afraid"

"It killed about half of the Underground" Sans said coldly, "Did you really not hear about it?"

"Nobody gave me the message and... I lost my phone a couple days ago" He said, Sans didn't respond anything, and the rest of the walk remained silent.

At the end of the hall there was an entrance to another room, once they passed through it, a white, blinding light could be seen from it.

"This is the Barrier, this is what keep us underground" Asgore said.

Sans watched it quite surprised, he never had actually seen it before.

From the ground, seven containers appeared, each one containing a human soul, except for one. Asgore approached to that one, and removed the lid, "Could you do me the favor?" He said to Sans.

The skeleton nodded and carefully put the soul inside it, when Asgore covered the container, Sans's magic faded away, and the soul started shining in red. Asgore looked nostalgic at this, and put the container on the floor again.

"Well, I guess now is time to-"

"W-wait Chara! I will-" A desperate voice startled Asgore and Sans, when they saw where it was coming from, they saw a golden flower, but with a face, it seemed to be very nervous, but rapidly that feeling turned to confusion.

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