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Supergirl sat next to Flash's bed her face stained from her tears. The heartbeat monitor kept beating at an accelerated pace matching with Flash's heartbeat. Supergirl fell asleep by his side, her head resting on Flash's legs as she drifted off. The sun rose again, shining through the windows of the DEO. Supergirl lifted her head back up, straightening out her hair and rubbing her eyes as she awoke. She heard the stomping of soldier's boots outside the medical room Supergirl sat in. Supergirl peered through the window that looked down as the soldiers led out Leslie in a set of handcuffs, with a light blinking in the middle.
"Alright inmate, you are being transferred to Stryker island prison, meta-human wing. These cuffs ensure you cannot use your meta-human abilities. Trying to escape these cuffs without the use of the key will result in a powerful electrical shock knocking you unconscious. Do you understand?" the lead soldier asked. Leslie nodded in response. They lead her towards the elevator, taking them down to the car park. Supergirl returned to her seat at Flash's side.

Siobhan Smyth's Apartment

Garrett smiled as he looked at his daughter's new look. Siobhan looked up towards her mirror. He her was now pure white, her irises had turned a dark silver. He skin  had become a pale white with black makeup surrounding her face and eyes. The black makeup gave the distinct outline of an intimidating skull. Her appearance was completed with a full silver leather suit and a silver trench coat.
"Your ready" Garrett stated proudly. Siobhan looked at her farther with a hint of confusion. "We're just missing one person" Garrett stated. Garrett handed Siobhan a newspaper. On the newspaper was a photo of Leslie attacking Supergirl and the Flash.
"Why her?" Siobhan asked. Garrett smiled before he answered.
"Because she has shown she can take on these so called heroes. The game has changed a lot since I started. There was no super-people flying around making things a lot harder then they need to be" Garrett explained.
"And what is it we are doing?" Siobhan asked. Garrett put on his black mask before answering.
"Robbing a bank" Garrett stated. Siobhan looked on in shock as she followed her farther out the door.


Supergirl's paced around the med bay, stress and worry radiating off her. Lucy walked into the med bay seeing Supergirl in inner turmoil. Lucy walked over to Flash's bed and read his chart.
"Looks like your just waiting for him to wake up" Lucy stated causing Supergirl to turn around. "You know every minute your in her is a minute your not out there" Lucy stated pointing out to Metropolis.
"I have super hearing, there is no problem where I'm needed" Supergirl replied.
"Fair enough, but what is your plan because you don't know when or if he's going to wake up" Lucy explained. Supergirl turned away from Lucy as a teardrop fell from her eye.
"He will wake up, he has too" Supergirl stated defiantly. Lucy heard the fear in Supergirl's voice, understanding why she still stood in the med bay.
"When my mom died I didn't get to say everything I wanted to say. I was young and didn't know what was happening, so I couldn't formulate what I wanted or needed to say. I would do anything to be able to tell her one last time that I loved her. If there's anything you need to say you should say it" Lucy stated before exiting the room giving Supergirl the room. Supergirl walked back over to Flash's bed.

Transport Vehicle

Leslie Willis sat in the back a steel plated van, her handcuffs chained to the floor of the van. The van drove down the streets of Metropolis with a police escort driving in front and behind the van. Suddenly the police car at the front was hit by a sonic blast of sound. The police car went flying backwards crashing into the front of the van causing it to crash into the side of a building. The guards in the back of the van aimed their weapons towards the doors at the back of the van. A sound could be heard sliding through the gaps in the van doors, the sound floated its way towards the handcuffs on Leslie's wrists. The handcuffs short circuited releasing the grip they had on her wrists. Leslie smiled as lightning flashed in her hands. The van shone with blue lightning as the screams of the soldiers filled the air. The back of the van doors opened as Leslie hopped out of the van. The soldiers lay dead inside the van as Leslie wiped a bit of blood of her cheek. Garrett and Siobhan stood there waiting a Leslie walked up to them.
"I'm guessing this little breakout was your idea" Leslie stated. Garrett nodded as he smiled behind his mask. "Thanks but unless you want to kill that stupid blonde bitch, I can't help you" Leslie explained.
"Not exactly but I think we can both get what we want if your up for it" Garrett said. Leslie looked at Garrett to explain his plan. "Well you want Supergirl and we want money so I was thinking well rob the bank, when Supergirl inevitably comes you can kill her. Then we split the loot three ways and go on our separate ways. Deal?" Garrett asked extending out his hand. Leslie thought about it for a second before shaking his hand.


Supergirl sat down next to Flash's bed. She picked up her lifeless hand holding it in hers. She closed her eyes as tears started to roll down her face.
"I hate seeing you like this Barry. I remember the first time you were in the coma, I had only met you once but I already knew you were going to be in my life for a lot longer. Since you awoke I've gotten to know you more, from your stupid dad jokes to your willingness to save and help people. You have been amazing to me Barry, but now seeing you in this bed, unable to wake up. First my parents and planet then Clark, I can't afford to lose anyone else that I love" Supergirl stated with a tremble in her voice.
"I love you too" Flash stated, surprising Supergirl. Her eyes shot open as Flash began to open his.
"How much of that did you hear?" Supergirl questioned.
"Errr i didn't hear anything I just normally wake up and stare into a mirror" Flash joked his body still in pain. Supergirl laughed before leaning in to kiss Flash. Supergirl pulled away wiping away the tears from her eyes. Suddenly alarms started to sound around the DEO. Supergirl got up looking around to see what was going on. Lucy rushed into the med bay looking for Supergirl.
"Leslie broke free with two other unknown assailants. Sentinel is in another mission at the moment, we need your help in this one Supergirl" Lucy stated in desperation. Supergirl nodded before turning back to the Flash.
"Stay here I'll be right back" Supergirl stated. Flash tried to get up.
"I can help" Flash stated before being pushed back down softly by Supergirl.
"No you need to rest, and I want you alive" Supergirl explained before planting another kiss on Flash lips and flying out of the DEO. Flash smiled before resting back in the bed.
"Go get'um Supergirl" Flash stated.

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