
29 2 1

June 2023


Supergirl flew through the skies as the winds brushed through her hair. As she felt the bliss of weightlessness she heard screams coming from Metropolis down below. Supergirl scanned the situ below looking for what was causing the screams of terror. The screams were coming from the street causing Supergirl to focus her gaze there. She saw the behemoth that was causing the problem. Supergirl shot down landing a few feet away from the monster. The monster stood tall with his pale skin and crazed look.
"Stand down, I'm not really looking for a fight today" Supergirl shouted. The monster just stared at her with anger filling it's mind. It ran at Supergirl at top speed ready to attack. It jumped into the sky in an attempt to crush Supergirl, but she moved out of the way with her super speed. "You might have to be quicker then that" Supergirl mocked before she went in for her own attack. She came in punching the monster multiple times in the body before hitting him with an uppercut. The monster fell to the floor appearing to be unconscious. "Third one this week" Supergirl stated to herself, curious where all these monster were coming from. While Supergirl was thinking to herself the monster caught her off guard grabbing her by the head and launching Supergirl into a nearby building. Supergirl went crashing into the wall leaving a dent in the infrastructure. Supergirl stood up brushing the rubble from her shoulder. She shot straight at the monster flying straight into his gut with both of her fist, knocking the monster into a parked car.
"Hey that's my car" an onlooker shouted.
"Sorry" Supergirl replied turning back to face the monster. The monster stood back up and replied to Supergirl with a roar. Supergirl used her ice breath to freeze the monster where it stood. As the monster froze in a shard of ice Supergirl breathed out in a sigh of relief and exasperation. As she took a few seconds to compose herself Ms Martian landed beside her.
"Are you struggling Supergirl?" Ms Martian joked as she crossed her arms with a smile.
"I'm not struggling just, it taking longer then expected" Supergirl replied. As Supergirl replied a streak of lighting gushed past her. The Flash spared from out of the lightning with a smile. He looked at Supergirl with a goofy smile. "Don't you start as well" Supergirl stated exasperated.
"Hey I wasn't going to mention the apex predator your fighting. Oh, that's defo his name, Appex. I'm getting at lot better at the whole bad guy naming game" Flash joked.
"Okay can we do the whole 'naming game' after we take down the beast?" Supergirl asked in a desperate attempt to get her friends to stop annoying her.
"His name is Appex, branding is important otherwise you get enemies like Condiment King" Flash continued to joke. Supergirl just sighed as she flew at Appex.
"I thought it was a good name" Ms Martian reassured Flash before joining the battle.
"Me too" Flash stated before running into the fight. Appex came in with an attempt to punch Supergirl, she dodged the punch gliding round to its back, landing a blow to Appex's spine. The punch to the back sent Appex lunging forwards into a uppercut from Ms Martian. Appex started to stagger backwards as the Flash grabbed some wire from a construction site before wrapping it around Appex's legs dropping him to the floor. The three heroes stopped to admire their handy work. "Woo, good team effort guys" Flash stated holding up his hand for a high five. Supergirl just sighed in embarrassment, Ms Martian reciprocating the high five.
"So what has everyone got planned for the rest of the day?" Ms Martian asked as the police sirens got closer to their locations.
"Well technically, I'm still at work but I've until the end of the day to finish the stack of reports, that thanks to super speed will take me about 30 seconds" Flash joked. As Flash talked about his work a realisation hit Supergirl.
"What time is it?" Supergirl question in a panic.
"About 12:30, why?" Flash replied confused to Supergirl's sudden panic.
"Shit, I have end of year exams in 30 minutes" Supergir stated. Before the other heroes could reply Supergirl shot off into the sky.
"Good luck" Ms Martian shouted as Supergirl flew away. Supergirl flew straight to her apartment, quickly getting changed into her civilian clothes. She grabbed her bag as exited through the balcony window. Iris just stood at her bedroom doorway with a smile. Iris walked over to the bowl near the door picking up a lanyard. As she picked Kara flew back into the apartment.
"Forget something" Iris teased. Kara smiled as Iris passed her lanyard.
"Thank you" Kara stated before returning to the skies. Kara flew through the air towards Metropolis university. As she got to the front of the exams building she noticed her classmate Siobhan Smyth waiting for her. Kara dropped down into an alleyway near the building so she would not be seen. She pulled her glasses out of her bag and wrapped her lanyard around her neck.
"Where have you been, your sooooo late" Siobhan stated as she saw Kara scurrying down the street.
"I know, I know" Kara blurted out in a panic the two women raced in side. They both made there way into the exam hall sitting at their assigned seats. The invigilator stood at the from of the hall setting up the clock that would countdown the seconds to the end of their exam. Kara sat in her seat as she could hear the rapid heartbeats of the other people in the room. Kara breathed in then out as the invigilator explained the rules at the front of the hall. Kara smiled as the hall was told they could begin their exam. The exam was long and hard Kara being challenged by some of the questions and the dread of the ticking clock. Eventually the exam was over and the students closed their test papers and watched as they were collected in. They exited the hall dispersing out onto the street. Kara quickly found Siobhan and wrapped her in a friendly hug. Siobhan laughed as the two friends focussed the test.
"That was one of the worst things I've ever had to do" Kara joked.
"It wasn't so bad for me, me lucky bracelet helps keep me calm" Siobhan joked showing off the bracelet on her arm.
"So what do you want to do now?" Kara questioned now not knowing what to do with the rest of her day.
"Well the laws her are a bit weirder then Ireland's, but normally me and my friends would go out for a drink after we just destroyed a test" Siobhan declared proudly. Kara just laughed.
"Yeah that sounds like fun" Kara stated not fully understanding what Siobhan meant.

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