The Morning After

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The alarmed blared in Kara's room as the light started to peer through the window. Kara groaned as she flung her hand over destroying the alarm clock. Kara groaned as she rolled onto her back her eyes remaining closed as the morning sun tried to force them open. As Kara tried to ill to the middle of her bed she noticed she was not alone. She stretched out tapping the body that laid under her covers. She opened her eyes slowly. Barry lay in her bed fast asleep.
"Oh no" Kara said to herself as she stared at Barry. She lifted up the cover of her bed to gaze down at her naked body. "Shit" Kara stated covering her hands over her face. She slowly started to roll out of the bed falling onto the floor with a thud. Barry shot up at the sound of the thud. He looked around the room in confusion.
"Errr, this isn't my room" Barry thought out loud. He  lifted the covers, confused at his also naked body. Barry scanned the room with his eyes noticing the clothes scattered across the floor. "Is someone else here, because I'm pretty sure I don't where that size of shoe" Barry asked continuing to look round the room. "Also I don't own glasses" Barry stated after noticing the glasses resting on the bedside table. Barry's eyes shot to the other side of the room as the rustling of clothes caught his attention. "Okay I can hear you now, who's down there?" Barry asked curiously. Kara peeked her head over the side of the bed her hair a mess. "Kara?" Barry questioned, shocked.
"Yes, so can you close your eyes so I can get dressed, please" Kara asked. Barry closed his eyes immediately letting Kara get up and speed around her room getting changed. "Done" Kara stated, Barry opening his eyes to see Kara fully dressed.
"Ok few questions, what happened last night? Why am I in your bed? And why am I naked?" Barry asked trying to wrap his head around what was happening.
"Well from what I can remember we went to Meg'ann's alien bar, and she brought us this drink. I'm pretty sure we got very drunk and based on how we woke up this morning, I don't think I have to stretch you imagination on how the night ended" Kara explained as she collected her things, stuffing them into her bag.
"Ok, err wait why are you getting your things?" Barry asked confused as Kara was making her way towards the door.
"Because this never happened, it can't have happened, so I'm going to go get some food and when I get back please don't be here" Kara stated before opening the door. Barry went to get up wrapped in the the covers tripping over and falling onto the floor. As Kara went to leave Iris was stood on the opposite side about to knock. She gazed into the room noticing Barry now laying on the floor and Kara rushing out. Iris started to laugh in shock before Kara spoke. "Not a word" Kara stated before walking past Iris and heading out the door. Iris looked back in the room at Barry laying on the floor.
"That's not a good sign Barry" Iris stated. Barry just sighed.

Siobhan's Apartment

Siobhan woke up in her bed, the covers and sheets sprawled out across the room. Her eyes started to flutter open. She was covered in sweat as she rolled out of her bed.
"What the hell happened last night?" Siobhan asked herself as she made her way to her kitchen. She poured herself a glass of water, noticing her bracelet had been damaged. She moved her hand to her face examining the damage done to the bracelet. Suddenly, Siobhan felt a pain in her head as she started to remember what happened last night.

The previous night

Siobhan walked down the street having left the bar after drinks with Kara, Megan, Barry & Iris. She started to walk down an ally close to her apartment when she was followed by two men. She sped up her walking but was stopped as another man stepping in front of her. The man in front of her pulled out a knife.
"Give us what you got girl!" the mugger demanded gesturing to Siobhan's bag. Siobhan pulled away stumbling backwards into the clutches of one of the men behind her. She tried to struggle out of his grip but to no avail. The man in front of her grabbed her bracelet, snatching it of her wrist. He inspected it briefly before throwing it to the ground damaging the bracelet. At the moment her bracelet was removed her mind went blank. She regained consciousness a few moments later with the men all knocked out across the alleyway. Siobhan looked down at her wrist the damaged bracelet now back on her hand. Siobhan stumbled the rest of the way home too drunk to focus on the events of the ally.

Current day

Siobhan made her way to the bathroom after the memories of the previous night started to flood her brain. She reached the cabinet which Siobhan stored her painkillers in. As she looked into the mirror she noticed something different about her appearance. Her hair was no longer the dark brunettes it had been all her life, it was now long, bright sliver hair that's reached down to the bottom of her spine. Siobhan admired it for a second before taking some of the painkillers and splashing water on her face. She looked back into the mirror and her hair was back to the natural brown it used to be. She stumbled back to her bed flopping down on top of it as she tried to rest from the hangover she was having.

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