Wedding and Epilogue- Part 7

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After a year of planning and preparing, Chuck and Whammer's wedding day finally came up very fast, as it seemed. Brent came down to his mom's house the night before so that he could be in town when the wedding happened, he was so excited to see his baby brother grow up and marry the man of his dreams.
Chuck decided to invite his brother by heart, Tobey, to the wedding as well. Wordgirl was also going to make a surprise appearance to the wedding, after pretending to hold off on the plans due to having to "fight crime", which there was little of now that the former villains all changed their paths.

All the villains and villain relatives were at the wedding, as well as the entirety of Chuck's family and friends. Eileen was the flower girl, which didn't really seem like a good job for her because she kept wanting to keep the pretty flowers to herself.

Brent walked Chuck down the isle to meet Whammer, who was waiting on the other side for him.
"Go ahead, Chuck!" said Brent, proudly. "He's waiting for you!"

Chuck excitedly ran towards Whammer, being careful not to ruin his brand new white suit.

Ms. Question was the marriage officiant, and she seemed perfect for the role! 

"Chuck, do you take Whammer as your lawfully wedded spouse?"

"I do." Chuck said, his voice getting quieter.

"And Whammer, do you take Chuck as your lawfully wedded spouse?"

"Whammer does, wham." said Whammer, once again giving Chuck a soft expression.

"You may now kiss, alright?" said Ms. Question, trying her best to form a good question out of a normal phrase.

Chuck and Whammer concluded their romantic moment with a kiss, followed by tears that were mostly given by Chuck's mother, Brent, Butcher and surprisingly Two Brains and his henchmen. Everyone gave their gifts and kind words, and congratulated the newly married couple on their greatest achievement.

"Heh, thanks everyone!" Chuck said, "I'm glad to finally be forever bonded with the man of my biggest dreams."

"Y'know Chuck," said a random voice coming from behind, "I'm really proud of you dude!"

Chuck turned around, and to his happiest surprise it was Wordgirl! He didn't expect her to show up at the wedding, but she seemed to still arrive despite being busy "fighting crime" (she was really busy buying wedding gifts for Chuck and Whammer!).

"Oh hey, Wordgirl! I'm so glad you could make it for the celebration!"

"Yeah, the town definitely still needs me haha! Hey, I have something for you!"

Wordgirl handed Chuck and Whammer bags, and they were both revealed to be bejeweled necklaces, both with their respective gemstones on them (Chuck's being hematite, and Whammer's being citrine!)

"Aww! Whammer loves his wedding gift, thank you Wordgirl!"
"Thank you Wordgirl, you didn't have to-"

Wordgirl abruptly interrupted Chuck, "It's quite alright, Chuck! I actually had tons of money leftover from my frequent superhero days, and I figured that I'd spend it on something nice!"

Chuck's mom came over to see the necklaces, and she admired them both greatly. Chuck and Wordgirl continued their conversation, which dragged on for a very long time but with good reason. Chuck and Whammer were absolutely exhausted after the wedding, and they fell asleep knowing that they were at a very good stage in their lives.

Time went by again, and Chuck eventually got a very good and easy-going job as a sandwich maker. He started helping Whammer out with the rent and bills, as well as helping out with smaller things, like dinner and average household chores. He still kept in touch with his mom, who was even better than she was before. She did more fun things with her son and her son-in-law, and eventually got to see a side of them she never saw before.

Whammer and Chuck continued making memories, and their honeymoon to the beach was one of them. Laying on the beach, Chuck and Whammer admired the crystal clear waves.

"Whammer, I never want to leave this paradise..."
"Whammer knows, Chucky. The beach is a very nice place!"
"Not that, I meant just being with you. We've been through a lot, Whammer, as you can probably tell. We've also had our ups and downs, but I wouldn't change that for a chance to rule the world. I love you, like a lot."
"Chuck will always be Whammer's number one!"

After they got the whole wedding trilogy out of the way, they decided to adopt some pets. Chuck adopted a bunny, and named him Fluffy after his first pet, which was also a bunny. Whammer adopted two cats, which Two Brains was deathly afraid of whenever he came to visit, but Butcher would snuggle to his greatest ability. They decided that they were happy where they were, no kids, no fancy houses, just having each other was enough for them. Chuck finally got his freedom.


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