Standing Up- Part 1

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"Whammer would absolutely love to have you live with him!"
"Yeah, haha... I'm gonna find myself a good paying job that treats me well so that we can both pay the rent, I know it's not much but I wanna help!"
"Chuck doesn't need to rush himself, wham! Whammer will do some rearranging to make this place extra wham for you!"
"Thanks, Whammer. Y'know, you're one of the only people that's been there for me when my mom wasn't, besides Two Brains, Brent, Wordgirl and Butcher!"

Chuck was ecstatic to move in with his best friend and partner, Whammer! After being controlled and coddled by his mother for the past 25 years, he will finally have time to achieve freedom and peace!

All of the sudden, Chuck heard an ear rattling "CHUCK!" coming from upstairs. 

"Ugh... sorry Whammer, that's my mom. I'll have to call you back, bye..."
"Okay! Bye bye Chuckie! Let's chat later!"

Chuck went upstairs to see what his mom was talking about.

"Yes, ma...?"

Chuck's mom held up a book, but not just any book; it was Chuck's diary, which included Chuck's notes about his love for Whammer.

"Care to explain? I went looking in your room earlier to see if you were doing anything dangerous last night while you were out today, the noise level up there was unrealistic. While searching, however, I found this."

Chuck stood there, shocked and afraid about what his mother would say or do next. His voice got smaller.

"Well uh... umm.. you see, ma.. well.. hmm..."

He wasn't sure what to say, he felt his heart stop as the look on his mom's face got even more angry by the second.

"Charles, I've taken care of you for a very long time, and this is how you have to thank me?! I expected better of you, young man! You should know by now that Whammer is a bad influence to you, mentally and physically. I don't want you living with anyone who will potientially harm you."

Chuck's face went from slight concern to full on fear, as his pupils got significantly smaller and his mouth got wider. His fear suddenly turned into slight anger, and his face also created an annoying look, with scrunched up eyes and clenched teeth.

"Mom, I'm tired of your constant coddling. Whammer is my best friend in the entire world, you need to understand that."

Chuck's mom suddenly grew more annoyed with her son, and her voice got sharper as she started slowly approaching Chuck.

"Charles, I am so sick of you and your treatment of me! I'm not "babying" or "coddling" you, I'm just doing what's best for you. Many of your other villain friends aren't good influences either, like that mouse guy who came over that one day to destroy everything, and the meat guy. They are both way too obnoxious and destructive. You don't want to be around those people, do you?"

Chuck's fear began to roll in again, but this time he would not take it. His friends told him to stand up for himself, and dictate his own life.

"Y'know what? Those guys are my best friends! Who cares if Two Brains is a "reckless" mouse guy? Who cares if Butcher is a loud and, actually, very caring meat man? Who cares if Whammer is energetic and passionate about himself? Those are the people I want to be around, to be myself. But when you get in the way with your "safety" rules, I don't feel safe at all."

Chuck's mom stood there, silently trying to process what her son just said to her. She didn't know how to feel or react. Should she be angry at Chuck and call him ungrateful, disrespectful, and rebellious? Should she apologize for her constant infantilization of him?

"I'll be packing my bags now, mom. Hopefully this will help you realize that I don't need so much help and overbearing guidance, especially from you. Twenty five years is more than plenty."

Chuck went back into the basement, and as he was packing his bags he kept thinking about the horrendous things his mom has done to him. At the moment, he viewed his mom as his worst enemy and thought she had no chance at redemption or improvement.

Chuck was finally done packing, and as he was walking out the door he glanced at the inside of his old home one more time. Everything seemed oddly familiar, yet it all seemed distant to how he remembered, before he realized how much of an overbearing person his mother was and before he told her his true feelings. He let the door shut behind him as he walked out.

He pulled out his phone and called Whammer, to which Whammer quickly picked up.

"HIYA CHUCKY! Whammer has everything set up for you, so you can come whenever you're ready, wham!"
"Hey Whammer, thank you..."

Chuck sat in his car for a minute, thinking about how he never heard his mom say what Whammer said to him before. She always left it to Chuck to set up everything, and she was always blaming him for all the mistakes he made.

"Uh, Chucky? You still there?"
"OH UH! Yeah, sorry dude. You see, I just got into a bit of a fight with my mom and..." Chuck let out a huge sigh, "I can tell you more when I get there."
"Okay Chucky, just know that Whammer is here for you all day, everyday! Wham! Whammer loves you so much!"
"Thanks Whammer, that means so much to me. See you soon, love you too."

Chuck hung up the phone, and he began his drive to Whammer's house just as the sky was falling dark.

Freedom: A PB&Wham FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum