Tears, Fears and Confessions- Part 2

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Chuck arrived at Whammer's door, and he gently knocked on it. Whammer came running to the door and welcomed Chuck with a pounce hug.

"Hey, Whammer."

Whammer let go of Chuck and allowed him to get some air.

"Well, let's not stand out in the cold. Whammer has made some hot chocolate and cupcakes for us! They will be totally whammin' on a night like tonight!"

Chuck started to light up a little bit due to Whammer's caring nature. Whammer was always a very caring person to Chuck, and that is the main reason Chuck loved absolutely every piece of him and saw him as his "safe person".

"Okay Whammer... gosh you really care for me, don't ya?"

"Of course Whammer does! Whammer is happy that Chuck sees Whammer as his go-to when he needs to talk."

Chuck let himself inside the house, and he was greeted with cleanliness and neatly stacked clothing and bedding. The floors were vacuumed, and there wasn't a speck of dust anywhere. Everything else was neatly arranged and put in their designated spots. The kitchen was even totally clean, no stains, trash, or rotting ingredients.

"Woah Whammer, I can tell you've been taking better care of your room lately!" Chuck said with a slight giggle. "That's great, I like having a clean room! My mom always put random stuff in the basement, that's actually one of the reasons why I wanted to move out for a while."
"Yeah! Whammer loves cleaning his room now, he realized that it's a good way to get his mind off of the stress of the world!"

Chuck took another look at the room, and he noticed that the bed sheets were freshly washed.

"Whammer, can I just lay in the bed for a while and talk to you about what happened? I can't get it off my mind."
"Chucky can tell Whammer anything!" Whammer exclaimed, as he was handing his sandwich man a cup of hot chocolate.
"Thanks, sweetie!"

Chuck drank his hot chocolate down in one go, and he started explaining everything to Whammer.

"See, my mom kept treating me like an absolute toddler and always made me think that I was her "Chucky baby bear" or whatever. She went snooping through my room today and decided to look at my diary, which had all of my secrets and safety plans. She knows that she's the only parent I have left, yet she still uses it as an excuse to get in my way..."

Chuck started to tear up a little bit, and continued his tangent with rippled speech.

"I... I just don't know why she can't treat me decently. Brent treats me okay, so why can't she? Brent is the only one I really have now, but I kept pushing him away because my mom always made him out to be better than me. Brent finally stood up to my mom and told her to quit comparing us, and that unfortunately broke her little heart. Now it's basically just me, taking care of me..."

Whammer noticed that Chuck was on the edge of breaking apart, and he held him tightly, promising not to let go.

"Why can't my mom be good to me? Why does she always have to think of me as the ugly duckling? It just isn't fair, she made me feel so bad for no reason at all many times. What am I doing wrong?!"

Chuck started to cry, and Whammer stroked him gently. Chuck eventually realized how awkward this setting was, he never cried around Whammer before. He wiped his tears, much to Whammer's shock, and turned his head to face Whammer.

"I'm sorry, dear, I shouldn't be crying around you, heh... Like my mom always told me, wipe your tears and save them for a time you're gonna need them, am I right?"

Whammer looked at Chuck with a concerned expression in his eyes, and shook his head at how ridiculous Chuck's mother's words were.

"Whammer is sorry you went through all that, but he still loves Chucky regardless if he's at his "worst". You need to cry and let out your feelings too, and so does the Whammer."

Chuck sniffled and laid his head back down on the pillow, and soaked in Whammer's words.

"Yeah, I guess that's true... my mom did say pretty weird things as I was getting older. I had to be a little bit of a robot around her, and not show any strong emotions. She knew it was always hard for me to do, yet she always forced me to do it because she wanted me to be stronger, whatever that meant at the time."

Chuck teared up again, and snuggled up against Whammer's chest.

"Whammer... is it okay if I cry around you?"
"You can always come home to Whammer and talk about your day, even if you are crying an ocean."

Chuck started crying again, but this time with happy tears. He cried happy tears while thanking Whammer profusely, and Whammer kept reminding him that he loved him dearly.

"Whammer, I could never tell my mother about us because she would freak out on both of us, and I don't want to see you hurt, so that's why I never opened up. I'm sorry..."
"You don't need to be sorry, sweetie. Whammer understands that Chucky wanted to protect him, and he needed to do what was best for both of us."

Chuck and Whammer continued snuggling and talking, and after about half an hour of Chuck drifted off to sleep, with Whammer following him soon after.

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