The Confrontation- Part 5

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Chuck woke up the next day, with a heavy feeling of fear in his gut. What was his mom going to think of him showing up to her house?
After Whammer left for work, Chuck also left for the work that he was going to do today, only his was a little harder. He took his favorite bottle cap with him for luck, and messaged everyone he was close with before leaving.
Driving through the city, Chuck glanced at multiple places his mom had him go to during his childhood; the concert hall for his hula dancing contest, the elementary school, and multiple "fancy" places his mother made him go to. Chuck continued to be fearful about the outcome, and his fear increased so much to the point of wanting to turn around and go home. However, as the others told him, communication is key. His best choice at the moment was to go and talk with his mother, and maybe try to reform a relationship with her.
As he finally, and begrudgingly, arrived, Chuck thought that it would be better now than never to talk to his mom, and he entered his stomping grounds. His mom was looking down, reading a book in her favorite rocking chair in the living room, as she usually would when he got home from his former crime sprees or from his errands.

"Hey, ma... it's me, Chuck."

Chuck's mom raised her head, and gave Chuck a nervous look.

"Oh... hey dear. I wasn't sure if you'd come back to see me, I was pretty scary that day, huh?"
"Well, I honestly feel like I scared you, too. I shouldn't have been so mean, I'm sorry."

Chuck's mom approached her son, but slowly and softly this time. Chuck could tell that his mom felt... off about the whole situation.

"Listen, Chuck. It's about time I start treating you like an actual adult, that's what you wanted, right? I feel horrible for all the coddling, plus locking you from the outside world as well. I was never protecting you, I was keeping you sheltered away from making friends and actually helping you with your life."

Chuck was surprised by his mother's changes, even down to her vocabulary.

"All my life, I never accepted you as your own person with your own thoughts and interests. I'm glad you finally stood up to me, because it helped me wake up and realize that as your mother I should let you make your own decisions, you are an adult now anyway."

Chuck felt safer with his mother, and his desire to open up to her about him and Whammer's relationship grew bigger.

"Hey, ma? There's something I've never told you..."

"Yes, Chuck?"

"Well me and Whammer are actually..." Chuck reluctantly got ready to admit his biggest secret ", we're dating."

"Honey, I've known that for a while, even before stealing your diary. By the way, I'm really sorry about that. I should've just asked you about what was happening and what the noise was. You can obviously talk now, right?"

"Oh, that... well, Whammer was talking about getting married and that made me get a little... let's just say excited, haha! He didn't propose, but he just brought up the topic and we had a pretty huge discussion about it."

"Oh Chuck, I'd love to be at your wedding if you two were to ever get married!"

"Well, you're definitely invited Ma!"

"Well, thanks dear!"

Chuck's mom started to, again, feel remorse for her son.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'm really sorry, Chuck... I know actions speak louder than words so is there anything I can do to improve our relationship?"

"Well, Ma... you've already completed the first step, taking accountability and admitting your mistakes!"

Chuck opened his arms to give his mom the hug of a lifetime, and his mom melted into his arms as she hugged him back. Everything was restored, and everyone was safe.

After his work, Whammer stopped by the jewelry store to... take a look at.. the rings? Huh, that's unusual, but let's not question him and his questionable ways.

"Chucky will totally love this ring!" Whammer exclaimed, putting it on his pinky finger. After buying the ring, Whammer headed home and saw Chuck there, with a huge grin on his face.

"Well, how did Chuck do? Did his mom get mad at him?" asked Whammer, getting ready to go into sad cuddle mode.
"Well," Chuck said, "we talked and she apologized, I guess? She still wants the best for me, but by "the best" I mean that she wants me to make my own decisions, my own friends, and create a safe environment with the people I cherish most."
"Whammer is so proud of you, Chuck."

Whammer bear hugged Chuck again, and Chuck smiled, not knowing the trick Whammer was going to pull on him on the next few weeks.

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